
I know it's not a popular opinion here. But if you think that street harassment will stop in a world where women are thought to entertain mostly men with their bodies, where female attractivity is reduced to the body and is served to mostly men on a silver plate, that's simply delusional

You have every right to be angry! But that doesn't mean your anger will help. It's hard, so hard, to admit you're helpless within your own family, but until your parents form some kind of plan to deal with her, and/or your sister wants to change, this pattern is just going to calcify.


Oh honey. I know. It's so hard to choose "Me first." It's so hard.

I kind of identify with your sister, and I think my older sister felt that way about me, so I just wanted to give you my input incase it might help.

When I dropped out of school and smoked weed all day long, I already had a pretty toxic relationship with my older sister. She had wronged me in many ways when we were

Do not worry. You still can be close again, just not now. Clearly there is something going on with her (addiction?) - maybe a little distance will help you to see it, and, with any luck, forgive it, more clearly.

My little sister is uber irresponsible. I mean, dropped out of school that my parents paid for, she's working as a waitress maybe 2 days a week, she moved back in with my parents and spends all day smoking weed, getting drunk and anything she can get her hands on. That's not really the issue,...

Your sister sounds very lost and unhappy. She can't feel good about herself, dropping out of school and not having much direction. She's probably lashing out because she feels worthless. Try to respond not with anger or pity, but compassion. Ignore bad behavior as much as you can. You can be the mature one and sit

My sister sounds just like yours, except she's 33 and has been in community college for 10 years and still doesn't have an AA (no exaggeration, that's straight truth). What she does have is a four year old daughter who she's constantly put last to her boyfriend of the month or whatever drugs she's doing, and a crazy

Others offer good insight, but can you alsoinvite your parents to your place or out for a casual meal without your sister? Or will that be interpreted poorly by anyone?

"I personally don't give a fuck what anybody says. I know who I am," says Jax. "I know what I've done and I'm really happy with myself."

I lay around and watch TV, surf the net, hug my dog, eat junk, take naps and volunteer. Mostly, lay around.

my parents are retired, they make home brew, spoil their dog, cook fancy things, have a giant garden, make jam and pickles, and my dads favorite, forward dad jokes and instruct me to watch Rachel Maddow.

Not exactly on point, but the NYT sort of answered your question recently.

Surf, duh.

Shopping, blogging for an online magazine, vacations, gourmet cooking, working out, starting an indie rock band, performance art, hanging out in coffee shops with a laptop pretending to write, sleeping with married people while their spouses are at work, podcasting.... the list goes on and on! Hang-out with hipsters

"a dumb and meaningless list"

Delpani said that he could "smell a black person when he entered the room,"

Well, we are still in the murder business, but I fear that relatively few of our citizens know enough about physics to teach it.

I love tales of corporate fuckery. God Bless the Internet.