
He told me I was OK to keep doing it but that he didn't want to know about it—just that I was being safe and discreet.

As a recent fan of this show (thanks Dlisted) this makes me so happy.

Wait...someone is actually outraged about this?

1. I need some new friends because none of mine would ever do this. Ever.

Judge me. Don't even care.

In the middle of marathon watching The Affair with a friend. She's really into it, I feel like I'm missing all the hype :( Anyone else in the same boat? Hope everyone is having a stress-free weekend!!! :)

To me, FOD has fallen off on the funny lately but this, all the views.

I think I will try some of things suggested tonight, if that's not enough, I know for sure that I tried and hopefully that will make it easier to walk away. I just can't let it keep effecting my life the way it is. I do have my own issues I should be dealing with.

Thank you. I probably wouldn't feed into her bs if she didn't make life a living hell for my parents. It hurts me to see them hurting then I resent her and what little patience I have for her goes out the window when I see her. We'll work it out. I'm getting amazing feedback tonight. It's giving me a little hope about

This is almost exactly what my therapist has been pushing. Distance. Take care of you first before anyone else. We've just never had to deal with a situation like this as a family and I don't think I would even know how to walk away to be honest. A part of me wants so just be done with her bs, but an even bigger part

Thank you so very much for this. I won't be that asshole that claims to be perfect and I'm right and she's wrong. One thing I know for sure it that we feel how we feel and someone telling you you're wrong in how you feel helps nothing at all. I'm going to try what you suggested and just go into it being positive. I

Thank you for this. You're absolutely right about me having some anger towards her. I hate it that my mom calls me crying when she goes off on them and I feel hopeless. Staying away I feel will help. It's getting very toxic. It's just so sad because we were once so very close and this person, I don't know her at all.

I hope so. I really want the best for her even though she can't see it right now.

So sorry you guys have to deal with that. It's really stressful. I hope your sister can get it together if for nothing else, her daughter :( I'm thinking of sending my sister a text and just tell her that whatever she's going through, I'll give her her space but if she ever needs anything then I'm here. I feel like

She has it in her head that because they don't know what to do with her so they just don't deal with her, somehow I'm manipulating them to being against her. Even just being on the phone with them is enough to set her off. I'm really trying to be understanding that there's more at play here, but she's making it hard.

You're so right. She just makes me so angry because she knows all the buttons to push. Walk away is my best option, I think. I appreciate your input :)

It's a four year age difference. I've brought up to her that I can recommend a good therapist and she throws the fact that I'm the one on meds for depression in my face. It's horrible dealing with her but I guess just keep trying. And learn to walk away and not engage. Thanks :)

I have to share this because it's now driving me completely nuts. A little back story. My little sister is uber irresponsible. I mean, dropped out of school that my parents paid for, she's working as a waitress maybe 2 days a week, she moved back in with my parents and spends all day smoking weed, getting drunk and

Is there a reason as to why it's almost always a retired person that wins the big ones?!

Yup. Dude seems like the type to do whatever it takes.