
Those buns look nasty.

I don't know what that is, but that is not a zit. And I'm never eating cream cheese again. Thanks.

Now playing

Something that size ain't as bad an idea as you make it seem. Nintendo's most recent, I don't know what it is called, has a XL version. A bigger handheld means more room for your thumbs to stretch out, which is important in order to reduce wear on them. You can actually fuck up your thumbs. Remember this?:

That's what I mean, despite all that, he was still always the wrong choice.

Didn't they go with Walhberg? Because bad movie executive choice reasons?

I feel like I'm supposed to play this game. And I kinda hate that feeling.

, said the woman with fetal alcohol syndrome.

Interesting fact, there was this guy who got an Ignoble Prize for this work on testicle sizes in greek and roman statues. They believed that the larger testicle hangs lower, which makes sense, however, it is actually the smaller testicle, and thus the less heavy testicle that hangs lower. They of antiquity couldn't do

"Oh, ha, ha, guys, very funny, swapping my football for a foosball."

Question. One of my testicles is bigger than the other two, should I be worried?

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My god damn hero.

You need many people telling you you're wrong.

It's a good thing you can't suffer from postpartum depression, LeJacq.

What a coincidence, why, just the other day, I got an email from the Prince of Nigeria

Wow! Who'd have thought if you buried something, years later it might still be there?!

Preorder Yaks!

I'm pretty sure they could have made this work on last gen as well. Dicks.

I wonder if we'll ever have true equality.