Jivemaster Five

This. Completely blew my mind when I learned of it.

Anal is blowing through ALL of George’s money.

The other key thing I drew from this is that the penalty applied to Brady was from a set of rules Brady did not have access to and that did not apply to players in general. This is one of the key points (rightly so) of the NFLPA’s case.

I think it’s a jump, so when the house slides down the hill it can clear the rocks and float to safety. But I could be wrong.

“Spanish for THE Nino!” :D i think of this skit every time i hear that word.

Huh. Our pool cover is a forest green, but we never noticed how poorly it blends with the snow, because of how we can’t see it. Under the snow.

From: Tom Brady


is this how most grown adults write email? bad spelling, missing punctuation, run-on sentences, etc? I am roughly Brady’s age and I still write emails like they are going to be graded for substance and structure. (Deadspin comments, not so much.) but, I am also a nitpicking asshole.

Now playing

Wherein we learn that some Polynesian language studies might have been useful, at least this once. We also learn that all the version of this song on Youtube that are of this song are not available, for some reason, but that if one doesn’t mind having it paired with another then that’s just hunky dory.

Now playing

Wherein we learn that country boys coming into the city have ever been subject to people taking advantage of their gullibility.

Now playing

Wherein we learn that bull fighting, like playing the guitar or playing quarterback, is about getting the chicks. One hopes he can be forgiven the terminology.

Now playing

Wherein we learn that Anne Boleyn’s story did not end with her death.

I thought this paragraph from Charlie Pierce yesterday really summed it all up:

I’ve read the appeal cover to cover. Brady is of course a slick, dynamic protagonist, who’s resourceful and practical in a pinch, but I can’t help but think that he’s a little shallow. I mean, when I broke up with my girlfriend Sally this summer I didn’t throw my phone away or anything, I just deleted her contact.

If you name your Fantasy Football Team something Brady/Ball/Deflate related, you deserve to die.

Good lord, what part of the South have you been to? The moonshine culture is limited to elderely hill folk, not the vast majority who are part of this century! Well, except for civil rights, of course....

hi, alcoholic here, so here are some strategies that I use in social situations: