Jivemaster Five

Joe sure looks silent there. Wait, he always was. Never mind. All fixed now.

You gotta like Les. Right? I personally can't believe he has never eaten a corndog.

Now those idiots are lucky.

That you Les?

Sounds like a good old fashioned crime, but there are some interesting quotes here. That is all. Like:

Hahahaha. Sweet move.

Man, this doesn't feel right.

He got stiff instead of limp. It happens.

Clearly needed juuuust a bit more formaldehyde.

No doubt. He was arguing Pats vs. Geno's with the bailiff.

Left over from Super Bowl XXV. Parcells dropped it on the sideline and someone took it home as a souvenir.

And Rosie O'Donnell. What she's still fat?

You're bending my mind.

I too am enjoying the Cleveland Steamer.

Wrong. I'm an SEC alum and I thought that was freaking awesome last night. The SEC will be just fine.

Have it determine where subsequent Super Bowls would be played.

Too good. Mine was a six pack of Old Milwaukee tall boys. Purchased underage with no fake I.D. in a not so good part of town. Probably drank two. Flash forward 20 (or so) years and I do not like Old Milwaukee. I do love a good Sierra Nevada though.

Maybe if it weren't for the roller coasters.

What is the biggest reason that NFL teams "move" instead of a new team being started from scratch? The NFL doesn't want any more teams because it would throw the divisions out of whack? Too hard to draft an entire team? They don't want to buy that many new sets of shoulder pads, helmets and cleats? The don't want