
Or move these articles to a site that exclusively covers Thiel and leave Gizmodo alone. They can call it Stawker.

Why is this on gizmodo

They seem to be focused on just undermining Thiel at this point, while avoiding their obvious connection to him. It limits the comment section from being filled up with these kinds of comments I guess.

Wow, you wrote an article about Peter Thiel without mentioning the Hogan or Gawker lawsuits. Progress!

The whole article is a confusingly written mess. If Ed Finn hit “Reply All”, his reply would have gone back to the people who had already received the layoff announcement — not to everybody at Barron’s.

Yes on first, no on second, but now I can’t stop hearing it.

“Job Done” - wheeler dealer reference?
“Don’t Care” - Gina Grad reference?

I’ve never felt the need to touch my MacBook. I honestly think it’s a gimmick.

As a millennial, I really resent the fact that the Gen Xers and Baby Boomers seem so eager to get us into another cold war.

I give Apple a lot of well-deserved shit for their decisions, but the choice not to have touch displays on their laptops is a good one.

So if the camshaft snaps in half while still under warranty, you’re going to replace the engine with another used AM engine from a salvage yard instead of heading to the dealer, and have them replace it with a new or remanufactured unit?

That’s part of why Apple is suing. Honestly, price. If it’s not from a company you’ve ever heard of, you should steer clear.  

Sounds like a case of first world problems to me. You should just be thankful your face didn’t get burned off.

It actually starts at like $135K

I mean you made up half of that so...

And it has the blacklist #1 livery on it! NFS most wanted 2005

I agree.

$5 says it’s already at a port or railway terminal inside one of these. 

Those steelies...

Poor guy. He never asked for any of this. He just wanted to go to a debate.