I bought the original version and haven't finished it yet. Does anyone know if I install the update if I can finish the whole first season?
I bought the original version and haven't finished it yet. Does anyone know if I install the update if I can finish the whole first season?
This is true. Played right, if you jump ship you're likely to get 15-20% more money. Either the company you work for will offer you that to keep you or you'll find another company who values your experience enough to compensate you correctly.
Do you shit your pants every time you wear them or something? I don't understand how they can possibly smell that bad unless you have something else going on. I haven't washed the pair of jeans I'm wearing right now in several weeks and they don't have any foul odor... they just smell like denim.
I have known people who used their student loan money for things other than student loans. I've also personally known people who've traded their food stamps for shoes, iPhones, etc. To pretend they don't exist is naive.
It's a shame other drivers don't take it this way. About 1/3 of the time when I flash my high beams at someone, they move out of the way. The rest of the time, they ignore it or become aggressive with me. I don't understand the sense of entitlement either... if someone wants to pass you, just let them. Maybe they…
This, a million times. Penalties for fleeing the scene of an accident includes jail time in most states. I don't care what the truck was doing that was annoying the guy in the cop car. You can't just cause an accident and then drive away.
Yep. You can do this with Things, too. Works on OS X and iOS fantastically.
A todo system only works when you're committed to getting junk out of your head. If you live an adhoc life, just bouncing from task to task then no system is going to help you until you're willing to change.
I have this same problem and I clean my ears pretty damn well. It just happens...
Here's the thing... it looks like someone took a Juke and an Aztec, smashed them together and said "Ah ha! It's the new Cherokee!"
Enough with these high performance assault vehicles!
The first step is to not use your inbox as a todo list. Manage that stuff externally.
You can cut off the bolts with a $5 hacksaw. It takes no time at all.
Springtomize, NCSettings, and Activator mostly. I want my phone to toggle bluetooth when I plug/unplug my phone and I want 5 icons on the dock. That's pretty much it these days. Most of the other things I've wanted have been rolled into iOS 6.
The best part about the stuff you see in Iron Man is that a good 30-40% of the voice response "stuff" is already possible if you build it. I bet with the arrival of Google Glasses we'll probably start seeing even more of it in the next few years.
I used to love them because they were cheesy movies, but now I love them because they are great action flicks.
Sounds like the 7k was a deposit in expectation that he would buy the car. I'm assuming he probably gave the money back.
Bachelor's in CompSci and Masters in Software Engineering. Not a "real" engineer, but you get the idea :)
Sedan. The hatch didn't have a sunroof and I drive around with mine open year-round. Not having one would drive me nuts.
I'm on my second one as well. The 2011 is pretty much perfect with a tune and sway bars. I don't even want to do anything else to it.