
Why don't you just give it back to the radio station?

Not rude - I was terse and you don't know my background. I live in NY and currently own my second STI (no I didn't crash the first one). Doing stuff like this in the snow is, to say the least, one of my favorite things in the world.

That and a lot of time he was over-turning the steering wheel. Point the wheel where you want it to go and don't over do it.

Is this some sort of cruel joke? Your link goes to trip lingo.

Their biggest mistake wasn't grabbing up the address book data. Lots of apps do that for linking purposes. Their biggest mistake was storing it. There's no reason to store it since all you're doing is looking for links. Use it and then get rid of it.

Looks like the same body lines as an Acura TL at the same price as an Acura TL. I don't really understand who would be the target for this.

Looks like an M3 GTR. The roof looks black from here and it appears to have some sponsor stickers on it. Probably not simply an idiot throwing decals on their car, and probably more like a race car with blocky General Lee style numbers on the doors.

PP offered free breast exams. Now that PP is under investigation, Komen broke off the partnership according to a policy they have.

Personnel Phone List would be amazing for social engineering attacks. You should read some of Kevin Mitnick's books some time.

Really? I only ever see them driving 5mph under the speed limit in the left lane. That, or tailgating big rigs.

What's wrong with boozing "at work?" There was a bar there.

It sounds magnificent.

Craftsman is hardly cheap, but it's certainly the way to go. Lifetime replacement warranty on most tools and they are usually in spec and accurate. I've purchased cheaper tools for one-off jobs and found that tolerances were sloppy would likely have lead to problems if I hadn't caught it before rounding off a nut.

Crappy gasoline can cause engine knock, among other things. Your light was probably for the knock sensor. You say "petrol" so I'm assuming Europe? Small engines, high compression. Prime candidates for pre-ignition with bad gas.

Any person who's driven high performance summer tires in the snow will tell you: This was absolutely a dumb idea. Your car doesn't handle, at all, with the wrong tires.

iBooks 2.0 works fine for me with the latest version of RedSn0w.

Uncovered? The internet has known about LOIC for a long long time now.

From the indictment, it certainly looks like that's what they did. Basically they owned satellite companies that were receiving money from MU for links. Also, they paid uploaders of popular files. Lots of money flowing in shady ways.

I just have my JB for SBSettings and the bluetooth keyboard helper. Two stupid things that will probably find their way into iOS 6.

I think you'll find that the vast majority of Americans were not okay with that.