
I started Couch to 5k (week 4 yeah!), and I'm doing it with a podcast. I also work out while watching G4 TV.

Vote: Evernote

Yeah I mean it looks cool but it fails at searching. I'll give it time.

My Documents

I think a layoff isn't the end of the world. The only time I can see a layoff being bad for someone is if they really truly love their job or they have no skills to be able to find a new job. Otherwise, you get a little vacation and you get to go find a new job somewhere else. Company changes are usually good for

I'm doing the couch to 5k running plan and I'm using the podcasts from here: [www.ullreys.com]

Yeah the unfortunate thing about doing this is that you've effectively lost your lever if you don't want to use the hex tool in a drill anymore.

This is pretty good for when you don't have a cooler handy and suddenly have a party on your hands.

Running on the street is much more difficult than running on a treadmill. When you run on a treadmill it's totally different since you don't have to actually move your body - you're just moving your legs. The treadmill is doing half of the work for you.

This is kinda like the Autopatcher isn't it?

Video is no longer available.

Some of those things like "learn to change the oil in your car" are friggen great ideas. I need to put synthetic oil in my car so a garage would charge me like $50+ for an oil change. I do it myself for $25 and a little bit of time.

@mskadu: Except that gears has been around for longer, is supported by bunches of sites, and works in IE and FF.

Seems like scrolling with static backgrounds is a little better. Not perfect, but better.

I use it to keep a centralized repository of documents I'm working on. I also use it for planning out projects and laying out ideas. If something comes up, I just launch evernote, add it in, save, and sync. This is especially great when you're reading through a website and realize it applies to a project you're

@adumbguy: Yeah no kidding. Nothing for nothing it's hard to do any number of pushups while maintaining perfect form. Legs, abdomen, etc. Pushups do much more than just your arms unless you're doing them wrong.

I thought for sure I could do 100... I work out and run regularly. I tested out at 35. I probably could have done more but I had the rest of my workout to do and I didn't want to waste all of my energy.

Hmm. Interesting. It's not the best written article I've ever read but it does give me some stuff to consider before declaring my runny nose and watering eyes a cold or allergies.

Damn. I just realized I have 6 icons in my dock. I use quicksilver to launch everything so I don't even know what I use the dock for. I could probably delete most of them.

In Sage in FF3 this says "Turn Your Broken Laptop into an Arcade Cock..."