
Actually NVM, just found one that makes any OS look like the mac one...

I actually kinda like the XP theme on my XP box. Not that it matches anything particularly well... I just think it looks better than the Vista one.

Does anyone know if you can run Visual Studio in Wine? If so I'm killing my Windows partition on my macbook TONIGHT!

Vote: Mint.com

Got through to the main page, dl'd from there, seems fine. Now I just need to addons page to work.

Just got a page that says:

@drsphincter: Mine did not take me to the beta testers site when I opened it up. It just loaded up my normal home page.

@drsphincter: It doesn't say RC3 in the about box. How do you know? That's what I just installed on my test machine and it appears to be the final thing.

Remember, if you upgrade it doesn't count. You need to do a full regular download to add a hit to their counter.

@Fras: Not just ubuntu... those things have been around in other Linux distros since I can remember. They were also really heavy in OS X 10.0, but seem to have lightened up a bit since then (10.5.3). Most of the whiners were people who've never used a Linux or OS X computer.

My signature is "Sent from my Blackberry" so that people know it came from a small device. Some companies REQUIRE that disclaimer at the bottom of emails for legal reasons... if you get one and don't like it then just get over it.

@Johnay: I don't believe mine does, and I live on the top floor of an old old house. I'm pretty sure that even if there is a clause against this, no one would be able to see it.

I get a laptop and a nextel. I'd much rather have a blackberry instead of this bleep bleep nonsense, but that's the way the cookie crumbles.

The new del.icio.us plugin is really annoying. It put icons all over and a new menu I don't actually want. I removed what I could and then I emailed them complaining about the lack of an ability to turn stuff off. Hopefully we get some sort of update to let us get rid of the junk.

That is pretty slick. I might have to start using that... the maps look pretty nice too.

It runs on mono which is a free .Net implementation for Linux. I wonder how hard this would be to port to a Windows box.

Funny. I've been using adium and gaim interchangeably for years and I always just assumed adium had this.

@czarandy: Thanks for that. Blows my statement right out the window. Not a big deal though... if I really want them I'll get 'em on my Wii.

Frying anything... I just hate it. It creates a mess and it's not healthy. I just don't want to do it. It's very rare I'll take on a recipe that requires frying.

@Swizzler121: Far from "the new myspace". You really need to check it out and learn about the potential uses and overall utility.