But will they have Amiibo? Because I’d buy a Doom Slayer or classic Doom Guy Amiibo.
But will they have Amiibo? Because I’d buy a Doom Slayer or classic Doom Guy Amiibo.
Threezero make amazing figures but damn they are slow to produce their stuff. They showed the T-45 Fallout 4 Power Armor around the time the game came out. The figure went on sale at the end of January and it’s still not shipping yet. They haven’t even put the T-60 model on sale yet... You have to pay up front and you…
Once its over $25 its no longer an “action figure” anymore. It’s a toy that can articulate that will not be articulating anytime soon.
Amazing, hilarious story. Great article Patricia.
This is .. Totally harmless! Why not, I guess. My daughter is slightly more likely to get into things with female protagonists too, so I get it.
If someone’s quality of life being drastically altered/diminished and another person losing their life isn’t a sign to stop making these shit tier movies, I don’t know what is.
Also KILLER 7, DAMMIT. A game as a postmodern installation that will leave you feeling as if you had partook of several illegal substances at the same time.
I think that a lot of these games are trash and now the devs are seeing what their shitty tower defense game is really worth in the grand scheme of things. Now if I buy a game for $7 on a whim, I can get my money back instead of just considering it sunk costs. No more, “oops, I bought a shitty game, might as well live…
Sony to gamers : Buy a PC.
This looks like the armor that monster hunters would make after killing and skinning enough Pikachu... pikachus... Pikachi?
"What would a space krill look like?"
I wonder. Do space whales eat space krill? Also, what is a space krill? Is that even a thing? What would a space krill look like?
Bethesda is the worst for this shit. I want to make a game called "Scrolls from the Fallout" just to give them the middle finger.
I think it was because of PETA.
I seriously cringed when I saw this article up because I've been getting replies to a post I made on the top PC list fricking forever ago. People telling me my list sucked because it contained games like CS:S which has obviously been replaced by CS:GO.
He's taking that money and doing something positive for the community by holding a free music festival. But you're right, this kind of generosity is bullshit and we should just stay inside and scorn everything we don't understand.
Well, I've never actually played any of the Monster Hunter games (not sure why, honestly), but don't you kill the monsters in that game? Not capture them and battle them against other monsters, like in Pokemon?
I want a season 10 where Jack only uses a sword.