What a bizarre reason to like a game. He essentially hates its core mechanics, but he likes it because it made a lot of money.
What a bizarre reason to like a game. He essentially hates its core mechanics, but he likes it because it made a lot of money.
Seems like the large majority of gaming news sites say it is due to licencing. I would put that down as a safe bet.
there is no way to shoot someone while cleaning a gun. Holiefield was negligent in this instance and should be charged as such
My money is on early reports being blown way out of proportion. Either way, here's to a speedy recovery.
The psychological damage of a young person seeing an unclothed human being.
No, I will not do a Snacktaku on this.
Well the music didn't do it for me, and the original MapleStory was quite involved in it's combat (at least at low levels).
How is SteamOS, a Linux distro that can run on any computer, a propriertary OS? You can stick any OS you want on the steam machine, it just a computer built around SteamOS and TV gaming. But still acomputer.
I for one welcome our... *CRUSHED BY ROBOT HORSE*
Oh thank Christ. I was so worried no one would drag out that dead horse.
I'm glad it turned out pretty good!
That was the gayest thing I have seen all day.
My 1440p setup concurs with this sentiment.
So we came to an agreement?
Aww, this article almost made me cry! Damnit Kotaku! I don't come to your site to cry!
Wait, so the PS4 can only output at like 2 frames/sec?
Looks the same to me. If you think you can tell the difference, you're obviously a fanboy.
Technically, yes. Let's try to specify: 3D graphics from a software/game engine.