That's nothing unusual. When I worked at EA, we had someone threaten to drive down to the office with a shotgun and molotovs because he didn't want to update Madden on his PS3. Yeah, the cops got brought in. That dude was nuts.
That's nothing unusual. When I worked at EA, we had someone threaten to drive down to the office with a shotgun and molotovs because he didn't want to update Madden on his PS3. Yeah, the cops got brought in. That dude was nuts.
And prior to terrorism, the War on Drugs. The militarization of the police has *always* been an excuse to persecute minorities with little to no oversight.
Good. Don't let the door hit you in the ass on the way out, Casey, you prima donna jackass.
Only you, Hanky, only you. That was a weak reply. I'm losing confidence that you've got that 'Murrican gumption that'll make you someone other than a shit-shoveller one day. You'll never marry Grover Nordquist at this rate. At best, you're headed for a broken heart from Ted Cruz.
By the way, that was a pathetic job of cherry-picking the rates going up. You really need to learn to *dig deep*, instead of picking one number for one state that doesn't represent 90% of people in that state.
I'm sure you'll grow up to be a real troll some day, though. Keep at it!
I wasn't aware that shoveling bullshit out of your mouth was your profession, Hanky, but I'll keep that in mind.
I have to admit, the 60-year old Truther climate change denialist was *far* more amusing than you. At least he was batshit crazy enough to be interesting. You? You're just a sad little right-winger sinking…
*yaaaawn* Except for that bit where they're not, Hanky. But don't let those mean ol' facts get in the way of being a good li'l right-winger! Keep digging, because you're amusing me and making a slow work day go by a little faster.
By the way, you *do* know that healthcare costs have gone down since the ACA, right? I don't imagine you do, and you'll follow up with some anecdote about how your cousin Bubba's insurance magically went up 10,000 percent or something similar.
You're a hoot, Hanky. Keep digging that hole and proving my point.
Oh, Hank. You're a funny little man. Is that really the best you can do? I save people's homes and make sure they can actually afford healthcare *and* the necessities of life. What's the matter, did Clien Bundy kick you off the ranch? Do you need a hug from Newt Gingrich?
You really are just a prime example of loons driving the conservative bus, aren't you? Anti-science, misogynist, racist, homophobic, incapable of critical thought or admitting you're wrong in the face of crazy stuff like facts.
I personally cannot wait until half-wits like you finish screeching their way into utter…
Poor little mite, you really don't have any sort of real comeback, do you? I took a look at your posting history, figuring you're just a troll burner account, and it turns out you're a real, dyed-in-the-wool, gen-u-ine racist loon.
The 'reality' is that you and your sad kind are on the way out, and the spew coming out…
Sonny, I work in insurance - I talk to residents that don't speak English every single day. Others have provided the statistics to pinheaded little right-wingers like you.
So shoo, scat, crawl back in your troll hole. Adults are talking.
Plenty of residents don't speak English, or have just enough to get by. Shop it elsewhere, asshole.
Coconut oil doesn't contain chemicals? *sigh* These woo people really, really, really need to learn that when they say things like that, it makes them look deeply, rightfully stupid.
Dawkins is brilliant when it comes to evolutionary biology, however narrowly. The second he steps outside his field of expertise, he turns into a screaming, screeching asshole.
I remember people trying to shock me and the other admins on the EA forums with stuff like this. Raul Julia said it best:
"For you, the discovery of knotting was the worst day of your life. For me, it was Tuesday."
Anyone that believes anything Mercola says, well:…
The dude's a fraudster.
By the way, sarcasm and hyperbole require at least some command of the language...which you, sonny, don't possess. You're just bad comedy.
*yaaaaawn* Keep trying, junior, keep trying. I'm sure you'll post like a grown-up some day.
*yawn* Troll harder, idjit. Better yet, go get your sad burner self banned.