Says the guy that thinks women are the problem. DIAF.
Says the guy that thinks women are the problem. DIAF.
Gila monster, maybe?
Then go look at how smallpox was eradicated, for chrissakes. Immunization and herd immunity in action.
I just...I've *worked* in the industry. I've done my level best to try leveling the field for everyone, because this sort of nonsense hurts everybody along the board.
You really are a fucking choad, you know that? Now shut your trap and crawl back into your troll hole, asshole.
Brenda's an awesome person and an incredible designer. Hell, she even signed my copy of the DMG when I attended her talks at GDC 2011.
Well, he's busy parroting the usual right-winger talking points - anyone that disagrees is a commie/Marxist/whatever, and damn actually answering any questions or addressing any actual data. I'm having lots of fun mocking him roundly, since it's been a slow day.
How predictable: derail using retaliation and personal attacks. So, which are you, 'cupcake' - an incel or redpill?
And there's the predictable response - dismissal and ad hominem. Did you even read the essay, 'cupcake'? I'm betting not.
Chew on this, idiot:…
When your typical response is that feminists are your enemy, when you display no actual knowledge of 3rd or 4th wave feminism, when you try to trot out evo-psych as a legitimate science...I don't *need* to mischaracterize you, sonny.
Because, of course, we should never, ever criticize a hack writer who openly advocates non-consensual slavery and sexism.
Poor, poor white guy, so angry that you don't get to be an asshole to everyone with impunity any more that you cling to a half-assed third-rate writer of third-rate rape porn as your philosophical god.
Oh, yes. 'Ethical Naturalism'...or debunked evo-psych mixed in with rape apologism. Never mind that it doesn't actually address ethical naturalism as a concept, just provides a bunch of pop-psych gobbledygook to justify treating women as inferior because that's 'how it is'. Or that he stole the title. It's laughably…
Oh, no! A *feminist*! How *awful*. Heavens, whatever will society do if someone dares address the sexism women face every day and demands something be done about it?
Sorry, but show me where his books were being banned by the government.
No, John Norman got pilloried because he's a sexist, misogynist scumbag, not some kind of counterculture hero. And, for the record, he *was* a bunch of freaks into slavery and non-consensual BDSM based on his lousy books.
You *do* know that Europe wasn't exclusively white...right?
As a guy - thank you for posting this. Thank you for *being furious*, because being quiet hasn't worked. Don't stop, and don't give up, ever.
Poor little mite. Now that you've been caught out, this is the best you can do? Really, it took me 15 seconds and Google to shut you down.