Jim Hague

That's some high-powered academic star you found on a site that advertises pizza, chief. Whereas I posted information coming from a widely-respected university, rather than a podunk community college in a state well-known for poor science education...and a guy whose main degree is in veterinary science.

And now we *know* you're full of shit. 5 PhDs? Really? What's the name of the professor and university, I wonder...Cracker Jack? Because that kind of claim is the sort of nonsense you get on TV, not in academia.

Gosh, how could I possibly refute that? Oh, wait:

No, you're being fundamentally incorrect, and clearly don't know jack or shit about transfolk, gender, sexuality, or sexual preference.

The state is slooooowly turning more blue - but we need to get rid of guys like Perry and his lieutenant governor so that pace gets stepped up.

On behalf of the State of Texas, I apologize. We really are trying to oust these fucking loons.

Contact the FBI at this point - IC3.gov. I had my very own internet creepstalker, and the Bureau tracked them down and informed their local law enforcement most ricky-tick.

Whoo, look out, we've got a badass here. One who's 'against bigotry', yet uses a bigoted term when people point out how bigoted they are. And who clearly doesn't understand what 'feminism' actually means.

Again - not necessarily; see what I said about exclusivity agreements. Bioware is a prime example, but Maxis is a close second - neither company could be more than very lightly touched by the Corporate silo, and in Maxis' case they had to royally screw up the Sims franchise and ignore 3 years' worth of showstopper

Incorrect - those studios have all had what are called exclusivity agreements. That means that EA only has a limited degree (if any) influence on said studio and acts as the publisher. That's what happened with Westwood, Bioware, DICE, Maxis, Origin, and Pandemic. The studios were purchased either because they were

Sexuality and sexualization are two entirely different things - the latter is where things get worrisome, because part of it is objectifying the object of desire. Advertising doesn't use sexuality, it sexualizes, it titillates, even if whatever's being sold isn't related to sex.

You're also mistaking erotica and porn.

Nice strawman; nobody argued porn contributes to rape. There are, however, plenty of studies that indicate the objectification of women makes violence against them more acceptable.

Read the article; it's all part of the same problem.

View a person as an object, it becomes easier to justify acts of violence against them. Objectifying women by making them solely for the male gaze makes it much, much easier to act against them, because, on some level, you consider them less than. It's harder for

Then it's on him to specify, rather than a general group-blasting. RadFem is a tiny, almost insignificant fringe on the broader ideas of feminism. The only reason RadFem gets any press is because their idiotic, exclusionary statements make good soundbites for the right-wing. Their influence on equality is little to

So, you're against gender equality, huh? Nice to see someone who's open about being a bigoted little crapstick.

Because of this, genius:

Honestly, barring intervention from the Community team (which no longer exists), that is exactly right.

EA pays attention to their forums? Really? We're talking the forums that have no official, employed moderators? The forums that had their entire support team cut a few years ago? The forums that most Studios are forbidden to have people post on? Those forums?

"Do you think that for a moment I haven't considered killing this...scum? That a day goes by that I don't want to inflict every horror he's ever visited upon anyone on *him*, that I don't want to finish him off once and for all?

You think that killing him would be *too hard* for me? No. It would be *too easy*, and once