It’s not political correctness, it’s respect and human decency. People need to grow the fuck up.
It’s not political correctness, it’s respect and human decency. People need to grow the fuck up.
Youtubers like this are the new generation of Radio Shock Jocks; empty and vapid content that aims for trashy and offensive, disturbingly popular, and annoying as all fucking hell.
When people complain about politics in games, what they are really complaining about is “Hey why is there anything but my straight, white male worldview in this game? It makes me uncomfortable.”
Goons actually entered MMOs to try and break them, and get the other people to leave, then moved on when they had ruined the other people’s fun.
Having lived through all of this as a third party bystander (fought against Bob and goons alike) I always read these articles and note how much of these “histories” are revisionist.
1) Borderline? I think you mean full-on delusional.
And that makes you part of the problem.
GG has a lot to say about everything. And almost none of it makes any sense.
Bernadette "Bernie" Smyth, one of Northern Ireland's most prominent anti-abortion activists—she has picketed the…
Oh hey, you won! Shoot us an email at and we'll get you set up with your prize.
"Gamergate seems to have ratcheted up his obsession with [Sarkeesian]," said Alexander, who herself has been the target of Gamergate's ire as a result of a Gamasutra article she wrote that harshly criticized gaming's consumer culture. "Or with insisting games are for men."
That's something we had quite a few discussions about as I reported this story, which, as you can see, took a whole lot of time. Ultimately, Stephen and I decided that the benefits of this story are to shine a spotlight on A) just one of many, many people that critics like Anita Sarkeesian deal with on daily basis,…
Dear Wendy,
Having followed the career of Riccitiello more closely than I cared to in college (my senior project in the capstone class was to present a "turnaround plan" for EA), I sincerely wish him well and hope he's finding more fulfillment in the work he's been doing since he left the company.
Today marks one month since Ferguson, MO police officer Darren Wilson fatally shot 18-year-old Mike Brown. Wilson hasn't been arrested or charged. Protests have settled down and Attorney General Eric Holder is on the case but we're still waiting for a grand jury to even indict Wilson.
I've been lurking in the official Sims 4 forums for the last week. Most threads are about things you'd…
And prior to terrorism, the War on Drugs. The militarization of the police has *always* been an excuse to persecute minorities with little to no oversight.