Except that, according to the article, they were asked to photograph the reception, not the wedding. So it should be a similar amount of work as an anniversary party.
Except that, according to the article, they were asked to photograph the reception, not the wedding. So it should be a similar amount of work as an anniversary party.
It doesn’t matter. As soon as any amount of hot water is coming through then all of the water in the hot pipe is hot. This trick isn’t to get the perfect temperature, it just lets you know whether hot water has arrived from the heater.
When I have bought houses I never had any interaction with the current owner, everything went through the agent. I presume this is done so that you can’t ask that question. You only get whatever information is on the disclosure form.
The only use I can think of is when you have e.g. a discount based on order volume. You could have a look up table like 1, 0%; 10, 10%; 100,20% and then use a vlookup with True to determine the discount percentage.
Frozen marbles are the solution of choice. You can’t roll away from them.
In my mind “Studies Show” is the same thing as “Some people say”, in other words, its a rumor. Tell me which study and who if you want any credibility.
Learn to use named ranges and the lookup functions INDEX() MATCH() INDIRECT(). Being able to write formulas like =INDEX(FITData CountReps, 1, CurrentYearColumn) is much better than using =’Fitness Data’!CG28 and having to change the CG every month to roll it forward.
Use a database.
I just want to point out that if a cell shows ####### it is not necessarily the fault of the person who sent it to you. Differences in screen resolution, font versions, or even installed printer drivers can make Excel display differently on different computers.
What about the people aged 65 - 70 who AREN’T retired. The researchers studied retired people and determined that they had enough money to retire. This is, perhaps, interesting, but it doesn’t say anything about whether the average person will have enough money to retire.
I wonder if it would make sense to negotiate up front with the vendor that there will be no tips and require that they pay all of their people some minimum wage for the event.
This is normally called the Sorites Paradox or the paradox of the heap.
At least hypothetically, the babysitter is a contractor and should be paying self-employment taxes out of their pay. Also, since babysitting is sporadic the customer needs to pay a premium so that the babysitter doesn’t have to get a regular job and become unavailable.
Copyright would be irrelevant in the face of a court order. (Technically, all written records are under copyright, that doesn’t protect them from court orders)
So, I think I’ve gotten old and paranoid. The first thing I thought was that I don’t want some app collecting my reading habits (and my thoughts about those habits) and selling that info to marketers.
This article is not accurate. A salaried exempt worker gets paid a certain amount per salary period. The salary period is usually 1 day, rarely 1 week. If the worker works any amount of the salary period they are entitled to their entire pay for that period. No one has a salary period of 1 year.
And it’s not like it’s a new problem. Book titles get underlined, story titles get quoted, this has been a standard for, probably, centuries. So, pick one for software titles and stick to it.
A decade or so ago I read a book called “The Well Educated Mind” that, among other things, recommends a note taking method that involves summarizing each chapter/section into a single run-on sentence like those long chapter subtitles: “Chapter 7 in which Don Quixote mistakes windmills for Giants and makes a fool of…
The headline does not parse, what is a literature map and who is placing it? Titles should be either quoted or underlined.
I would suggest that you