
No, it’s time to be a dad,” the 32-year-old Chamberlain said. “Karter is in junior high

Texas Edition:

“Yeah, how did rumors like that get spread so quick.” - Richard Gere

I swear all GOP politicians secretly live in Rapture

I think you’ve identified an interesting topic but I think you’ve also missed or glossed over a lot of the factors in the Spanish Civil War that made it so very messy. For one thing, the popular front of socialists-anarchists-communists could barely agree what color the sky was. They fought each other at various

You do realize that compulsory speech is not free speech and is therefore a violation of the First Amendment, right? Forcing someone to obey an anthem in the name of “freedom” is actually just simple fascism.

“I’m hard put to see a similar war in the world today”

As most Americans know, including, I hope, Donald Trump, Puerto Rico is part of America.

I’d be interested to see if the supposed economic impact numbers these festivals allegedly generate are any more reflective of actual impact than the economic impact numbers bandied about in support of public funding for sports stadiums.

THIS is a racist seal.

I think a movement should be started to make those kind of hats an accessory to be worn in every gay bar in the country. Make them like the rainbow flag, forever linked with LGBTQ, just to piss people like him off.

That man is one of the most openly disgusting excuses for a human being I’ve ever heard of. His rabid bigotry, unapologetic and fierce, is his only calling card. He’s literally nothing except a hateful charlatan. People voted for him as a way of sending a threat to all of us Moore has sought to harm. They want to

For Clinton, politics are fundamentally about pragmatism, where strategic concessions and horse-trading with Republicans necessarily means sacrificing ideals for the ultimate good of Getting (Some) Things Done.

It’s also not a way you want to describe your President, but, here we are.

As a kid watching wrestling in the 80's, it was easy to not understand just how good Heenan was at his job. I cheered the good guys, booed the bad guys, and that was that.

I think it’s only the perspective of age that allowed me to take a look back to those days and admire what quality work guys like Heenan, Perfect,

A lovely tribute. Heenan is just about the only person in any pop-culture medium who every single person with an opinion agrees was the absolute best at what he did. And yet, still, I would say he’s criminally underrated

“So this is heaven, huh Monsoon? You’d think there would be less politicians.”

eh … I think Deadwood got it right. Updating the swearing to give a modern audience the idea of the profanity of the historical setting but still maintained something essential about the discourse of its time; namely its cadence and underlying formality. Full scale anachronism just seems lazy at best and at worst