
This trope is really getting played out.

Do you have any idea how much your employer is dropping on your company insurance plan? That’ll essentially all go to single payer.

The Catholic Conference and the Boy Scouts continued lobbying to oppose the legislation, trotting out the same old argument: that its passage would open a floodgate of litigation that would inevitably bankrupt parishes, schools, and other institutions.

Church stops telling people who and how to fuck, people will stop bring their fucking-related issues to church.

The damage caused by Roger Ailes is truly breathtaking in its impact and scope. Professionally, he was a proto-Rove Richard Nixon accomplice and enabler who went on to found the most powerful and pervasive propaganda network in modern history, which was profoundly responsible for training millions to disregard

I’m sad only because we won’t get to experience the joy of finding out he died ever again.

Jeter refused to change positions to make way for a clearly superior player the right way.

Because more people with more money to spend are able to spend that money on more things.

Because for the most part employment is caused by demand for an employers services. Paying people more means they have more to spend, which in turn causes more demand for employers services. Essentially what you’re doing is causing money to flow faster, instead of stagnating in hordes, which is really only good for

Because paying someone $7.50 an hour is bad for the economy and the country. If every corporation started paying their employees more, we’d see a huge boom in economic growth. The poor and middle class do not hoard their money like the rich do, but pump it right back into the economy. It’s why welfare is actually very

Jeff Sessions hates sniggers.

It takes a real feat of cold, tangled logical acrobatics to conclude that, in the event of a fascist candidate, people who don’t want a fascist president should not gather around the banner of the candidate who is not a fascist.

I remember campaigning for Obama in 2008. I was selected to give a speech to introduce him at a rally, after which, he thanked me by name on television. After his rally, I met him backstage and had photos taken.

Um yeah, they were pretty liberal about spending money on exclusive TV rights to events.

Oh Man. I’ve played sand volleyball for years, including doubles. That’s tough enough. If I had to run all out, and not just during a volley, I would just die.

I was never thin enough for any of the many stores/chains that are closing now. Schadenfreude out the wazoo right now.

Capitalism really does a number on some people.

Since November, the national medias opinion sections have been filled with calls to seek insightor empathytowards Trump voters, along with heartwarming tales of our fundamental shared humanity.

Those shows you mentioned are mostly barely kids shows. They’re like preteen shows, at worst (honestly, I’m am both worried about and excited to meet your 3-year-old if they prefer Legend of Korra to Caillou, because on the one hand they’re learning about PTSD and radical nationalism at 3, but on the other hand, they

You didn't do a very good job with your reading comprehension, junior. Heady Topper was ineligible for this list on two VERY CLEARLY elucidated counts (limited availability, high alcohol content). Smutty fails the availability test as well. Redhook was eligible but not important. The West Coast beers have wider