
Yeah, I 100% thought that Jaime was going off to be the Kingslayer once more (and perhaps die with her once the deed was done) to save the people.

Ivan “Ironman” Stewart’s Super Off Road?

God, I remember loving/hating that game.

That was a terrible game, but it was my ABSOLUTE FAVORITE terrible game. I used to go our shitty local midway and spend the whole summer set all 10 high scores, presumably because I was the only dope playing it.

That is a fantastic story.

You know what I would find absolutely fascinating? A documentary film about the rise and fall of video game arcades in America. That this doesn’t seem to exist is a glaring hole in our culture. 

Yeah, seeing her alone and isolated in her office definitely brought back some Vic Mackey at ICE memories for me.

This is one of temhe very few books that I've ever straight up given up on mid-read. It was horrid and I didn't understand anything that was going on and I was really bummed because I loved Willow. 

They got Utica totally right, though.

When HBO gave me Game of Thrones, I forgave them for Rome, Deadwood, and Carnivale.

^ This.

I never lost my love for reading, but I also all but stopped reading books after college (early 2000s). I did read the A Song of Ice & Fire series a bit after that, I read the first few books of The Expanse (and plan to read the rest) a few years ago, and an odd book here or there, but my reading kind of moved from

Man, if you want to do some digging, look up the fight in the 90s when they demolished the stadium and the options were to rebuild it right next door to the old stadium (which they did) or hop on the trend of new downtown urban stadiums like Baltimore & Rochester. It would have been built in the trolley lot behind the

It infuriates me that Dinosaur is our most famous restaurant. I mean, it’s fine. But come on. 

I love Syracuse, you jerk.

Capitalism is great. Until one person ends up with all the money.

Cecilia, this was a fantastic read. Thank you for writing it.

I disagree. He should be running. He should be running so that we can put an official stamp on his brand of Democratic politics belonging in the past and we can leave it behind.

I will never say that someone should not run. They should run and they should be defeated and we should all move on.

Yeah, the Attitude Era killed it for me too. I loved it growing up, but I really disliked the majority of that era.

Good to see that in writing. Much appreciated. :)