
So, just the corners will be left?

Srly Where's Waldo is a banned book?

That is to bad, John Irving is a very good writer.

That was so freaking funny.

I am so sorry for your great loss.

Anything with Matthew McCaughnahey(sp) Magic Mike is good though weighted down with plot.

I'm dying from laughing over here.

TS has won best Rolling Stone cover. That is a beautiful shot.

I laughed aloud at that. She's got another sister!

Comedy done right and done well is sexy. I would rather have an average guy that makes me laugh than a very handsome man w/o a sense of humor.

There is no reason somebody couldn't do this with all black or all Asian women

And there are people in this country who say they want Putin for the day. This country being the US.

Sorry for your loss.

Teen aged girls were responsible for the Salem witch trials. I say it was either Satan or another teen aged girl.

She is aging faster than I am and I am X& years old.

Anybody that cries during sex, is missing the point.

I love his slogan.

I think I have ebola cause my ankles are so itchy and I have an upset stomach. It's the itchy ankles that have me so sure. That is one of the symptoms, right.

I roll with the changes pretty well, but "on accident" just sounds wrong.

I call those bows "I don't care how big my butt is bow." My wedding dress had one and I like them.