
How far back are we required to scrub out our sins? Father, why had thou not conquered your alcoholism when thou sired me? Mother, why had thou not diversified thine potato diet when thou delivered me? Forgive me, my child, for your devotion to chips and beer; these are burdens we have carried for a long time, and

Yeah, those tweets were actually the part of the story that made me most angry. The pictures were horrific, of course, but the tweets paint a picture of a seriously disturbed man who feels no remorse, who doesn't even understand that what he did was wrong. It's like he thinks he was required to beat them both, and

On a personal level, too, I got many reactions. On my Facebook, from my friends. It makes me feel satisfied about my work – at least the work I did is so impactful that I'm able to shed some light on this.

Oh my god, he sounds like a tiny, 1920s gangster.

Someone needs to teach him James Cagney's "You dirty rat" speech ASAP.

Love it. I don't have children but I'm going to look for that to give to my sister-in-law for her birthday.

Because I'm so sophisticated and fancy, I pretty much pick my wines based on their labels. Which admittedly doesn't really work with in restaurants where, I'm going to be honest, I go with one of the less expensive choices.

Well its one of my all time favorite games. There is a lot to love in that game, and I'll touch on those parts real quick.

Hands down my favorite RPG ever with Suikoden II in a close second. Just real fast thoughts since I'm at work.

I have played countless RPGs throughout the years. Today's ones feel a lot more to me like part-time jobs than games, with over-complicated battle and item systems, a gazillion bars to watch out for, and characters that become experts on whatever you make them. To this day, FF VI holds a place in my heart as the one

Indeed, in fact, I daresay that this moment was even more effective if you were an experienced player well aware of the fantasy tropes used by RPGs. I remember the first time I arrived at the floating continent: already being a savyy, blasé, jaded RPG gamer, my thoughts were "Oh, come on! stop with the drama: you know

This game has no many highlights, that it's difficult to single out something.

It blew my mind years after I first played this when I found out about some of the glitches the game has. For example, the Evade bug — the Evade stat does nothing and, as such, the blind status is almost entirely pointless. Before that, I had basically regarded the game as perfect and it was a weird to have this

So FF VI was the first and only RPG that i played all the way through, collected everything that was absolutely possible in the game, even in the Coliseum. I had every single character at level 99 (even umaro) and every character learned all the spells from each of the espers, Even converting the cursed shield into

I still listen to the soundtrack every few months. It's great to work to.

Obviously spoilers...

Sometimes, manufacturing defects in ice cream get to a point where it's better for both eater and ice cream to terminate it.

Now playing

Aw man, he was drunk off his arse in that interview:

Mine was Donatello because he was the smart one. Same reason my favorite Power Ranger was Billy.

We also love Loki because he is played by Hiddles (squee!). Also Kieron Gillen's Journey Into Mystery.