
He said "I got a boner!"

She should add a column of what he said or did to try to get her in the mood.

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you might be colorblind and not even know it.

I'm more excited for the anime coming out in October, now that's going to be a treat to see.

You didn't say it was unreasonable, but you did describe it as "not cool", "kind of gross", and all around portrayed it as if he is doing something wrong or unreasonable, with one of your paragraphs coming close to mocking him as if he is indeed doing something unreasonable. I will quote:

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Weird Al, a good rapper you say? Madness...

It's a shame that musicals and monster trucks have to be mutually exclusive.

No everyone knows that women are formed of circles and men of squares. That's why I like my men with square abs, square shoulders, square lips, and square eyes.

You're naiveté is adorable. I assure you, the retouching pointed out in this shoot is nothing special. As a former retoucher for a large(ish) studio, I routinely did more than "fix exposure" and "paint out wardrobe malfunctions". You've never retouched before in your life, so why pretend like you know what goes into a

That every photo that makes it to print is retouched in some way and this isn't news.

was this drawn strictly using Fashion Plate technology?

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It's part of a known glitch that someone went "Well what happens if X happens, too?" You should see what other people have done with the null sprite glitch... Someone used it to allow controller inputs to program in (i think) assembly to play pong and snake.

For the same reason that animals the fur comes from don't have the fur on the inside.

I have a full length faux fur that is my absolute favorite to wear despite being a coarse muppet texture, and everyone I cross wants a photo of themselves wearing that coat regardless of whether or not they actually fit it.

I... I kinda feel like this question is beside the point.

I was in college, chatting with a guy I'd just met in a kind of empty bar. I think it's relevant to know I went to college in a rural Midwestern town. I forget what we were talking about, but somehow the topic of hunting came up. Then the topic of hunting squirrels. Then eating squirrels. Finally he just got out his

totally... the graphics department is composed of artists and i'll bet there are a lot of lefties in that department (god bless em). this is somebody making a wink wink commentary at the expense of conservative dopes who don't know jack shit about popular media.

It really boggles my mind that games that I never would have thought would come stateside are now doing so. Even more than cutesy Japanese rhythm games, we're seeing stuff like visual novels, Akiba's Trip, and Senran Kagura. I would never have expected these games to come west, and they are all announced.

Are we counting comics too?