
Being on a limited diet for health reasons, I've always found cooking to be more effort than it's worth. No matter what manner of concoction I might aim for, it's almost certain to taste terrible regardless, so I might as well go with the one that takes the least amount of time and effort. If there was some grand

I can cook, I'm not one of the "I can't cook" folks. I can follow a recipe, and I even own a wet measuring cup *and* dry measuring cups, etc. But...

When I met my ex, I was in a sort of goth/dark/spritual phase. He had a silver ring that he wore all the time, and once when we were talking, he said that it meant everything to him, but he never talked about it, and that one day he hoped he could share the story with me. It was heavily implied that either a woman, or

I dated a guy who wouldn't show me his butt because he said that he had a tattoo of an ex girlfriend's name on it. Three years, and many fights later, I couldn't put up with it anymore and was gonna break up with him for it. He finally showed me his butt and it was completely void of any tattoos. Uhhh what???

So I met a girl in 12th grade, we moved in together at 20, as were together all through college and graduate school. Now I'm 26 about to finish grad school and was looking forward to making big changes together, like move to a cool city or move abroad. Then through a series of weird events I discover that she had

I dated a pathological liar in college. He was several years older than me and told me, among other things, that he had studied art in some prestigious program that took him all over Africa and Europe; that while living in London on this program he had become friends with Vivienne Westwood, who gave him 3

This isn't about a former romantic partner but rather an ex-coworker. In order to go on vacation which he for some reason thought wouldn't get approved, he decided to tell our boss that his girlfriend was pregnant and went into preterm labor. He took two weeks off to be with her and their baby (or rather he vacationed