
The doctor specifically said his sonic pinged on a diamond....not the metal.

Gatwa’s Doctor comes across as more empathetic and more in touch with his humanity and kindness.

Hmmmmm. I actually hate knowing this because I didn’t like that little scene. I thought it was odd and felt like some “fake whimsy” - why is the sonic set to “ping” him when it scans for those metals exactly? It felt like it was added on just to make him seem “magical”, I remember thinking. I really don’t need Disney

I genuinely do not understand all the comments worried about the Social Media like footage in the trailer. Have these people never played a GTA game before, or are they just too clueless to pick up on satire when they see it?

I wish he would turn into Howard Hughes in his 5o’s, and just cut himself off from all human contact until he dies.

I’ve said it before - he’s pulling a full “Henry Ford in his fifties”, aging into a reactionary, anti-semitic crank. Only instead of a pet newspaper he has a social media site.

I would say the underlying intent matters more. If I just said “I think there are not enough stories about some groups and want to make stories involving members of those groups” then doing research and charting that information would be helpful and would generally be in the realm of any other research being done for


Doesn’t the OW dev team have a diversity chart that makes this feel a little bit insincere?

I have seen quite a few of his videos he does some REALLY wild stuff.

Sounds like the whole lot of them, including/especially the DA should be punished. They were each going for self-promotion at all costs, including dragging others down for personal gain. 

And of course, the alleged deepfake cheer mom will be played by Amy Schumer.  They look like sisters.

TL;DR - Everyone involved is dirty but there weren’t any deepfakes involved.

This is one of those movies where all the characters are assholes.

I want some kinda “Mario Kart Maker.”

Yeah, agile is at this point particularly old code for, “We don’t have clear direction and are trying to do more with less so everyone will be overloaded.”

Oh, but they WILL do more! They’ll give the executives bigger bonuses!

Agile = whipping back and forth between concepts and game direction as dictated by the mercurial boss of the week.

Anyone who automatically equates “Agile” to “smaller” doesn’t have the slightest clue what Agile is. If everyone involved is already tasked to capacity (not too far-fetched given that DA:D has been in development for almost a decade), then fewer people means more tasks for the remaining employees. But if they were

I know it’s a boilerplate response from them, but the “we’ll do more with fewer people, more easily” response isn’t quite a good look.