
“Wells Fargo holds employees to the highest standards and does not tolerate unethical behavior,”

That’s the rub, right? For every mistake that you leave in after proofreading you lose marks and sound less intelligent, but if you do your job right then the whole thing gets thrown for being computer generated. At this rate all written work will sound like Idiocracy in a couple years, where it’s just a series of

These guys have pulled some jerky stuff in the past too. Oh well, Hebrew National is better anyway.

It seems like if you’re a writer who’s aware of grammar rules, knows how to spell, and was taught to avoid re-using the same work too many time (sure, I’ll admit I’m one of them), you are much more likely to be flagged as AI.

AI trains on millions of human written articles. AI gets really good at imitating human writing. AI thinks everything is AI.

I can’t remember if I cried
When I read about their Chapter 11 ride
But something touched me deep inside
The day the robot band died

So bye, bye, Munch Robot guys
Drove my Chevy to the Chuck E but the pizza was dry
And them young kids were eating the cardboard pizza pie
Singin’ where’s my tickets and free prize?

I applaud the ingenuity of these guys.. but in all honestly, I feel like we’re leaving an era of tech growth where Silicon Valley created things that were useful and generally improved our lives, and we’re now entering an era where Silicon Valley is creating things just because- solutionism at its worst.

I agree it wasn’t a musical episode, but it did have a whole musical number in it. As someone only recently coming around on musicals, it did come across to me as a tacked on waste of an ending.

I am a simple man. You reference Red Dwarf, you get a star.

I find myself still just kind of percolating on the ideas and the episodes themselves. I found myself latching onto basically everything BUT the main thrust of each episode, as the premises of each are things that usually are firmly in the “Yeah. Thanks for the warning. Not watching this.” category. IE: ‘Look how cute

For PC and Xbox, a hella slept-on controller is the GameSir G7 SE. It has Hall Effect sticks and triggers, and the software (downloadable via the Windows store) allows you to change the stick curve, stick/trigger deadzone, rear paddle bindings and polling rate (up to 1000Hz). Best part... it’s $45. I play Rocket League

1. Vowel & Consonant for the English alphabet.

It does strike me as trying to put the toothpaste back in the tube. They harmed the game tremendously chasing their competitive and esports dreams. Now the entire game design has been shaped around that. You’d need to do a lot more than change the limits in Quick Play to recapture the spirit that I and many others

The thing is that this has all happened before, Deloreans were notorious rustbuckets and the joke was your couldn’t drive them in the rain. The lesson that the entire automotive industry learned was that its a dumb idea to make a car body out of stainless steel.

Why does it have chunks out of it? 

Before people start some guessing game, a reminder that if Eccleston had wanted to name the co-star, he would have named the co-star.

Most of us game devs also don’t want to use gen AI voice acting. It only makes this company and executives trying to avoid paying voice actors happy.

Hmm, lots of How-To articles that seem to be regurgitated Tik-Tok/YouTube shorts information.  

How did something that became so well known and associated with searching on the internet that it became a verb meaning “to search something on the internet” fall so hard so fast. Google results for simple enough things just seem to be getting more and more useless.