
“Pull up! Pull up! Pull up!” *CRASH*

Fully agree -

I’m glad no one’s around, because this is car porn.

We’ll do it live!

Very wierd - I just got these myself, but having a much larger neck (21-22”), I haven’t had this issue. I was using them with my Surface, and have been able to go about 15' away in my place, which is several walls away, before it cuts out. Maybe you got a bad set?

Very wierd - I just got these myself, but having a much larger neck (21-22”), I haven’t had this issue. I was using

It could very well be that my head cold is interferring with the bitter taste - I usually pick up bitter pretty well (but not as much as my mom, who is on the verge of the “supertaster” group).

I can confirm, having eaten several of the Peep Oreos, no after taste. Also, to me, with the exception of the sugar granules, taste like Oreos tasted like in my youth, before they turned into a foam substitute made of lard.

No pictures because I was driving, but back in November, I saw a caravan of Porsche 918s on 280 in California, heading for San Francicso. Now when I say caravan, I mean there were 10 of them - most were silver, a couple black, with plates from the east coast and the south. One was even from Florida, so hats off to

Like a Diablo had a love-child with a Testarossa.

The Toretto Bar

Worst thing I’ve ever tasted was the bitterant added to cans of compressed air - if you turn the can upside down (which I’ve done to cool a component for testing), you’ll get a fair dose of the bitterant as well. It permeates everything, and even cleaning with rubbing alcohol, I can taste it on my hands hours later.

Came looking for and pleased to see the right answer.

This is a pretty good substitute:

If the Kolibri hit like the Noisy Cricket, sure...

Best one my dad ever bought was Coleco Baseball - thing was massive!

I just had a mental thought of a long line of boxes, and a guy walking down the line, dropping a packing peanut in each, going “One for you, and one for you, and one for you...”

I’m kinda glad I wasn’t fully invested in getting a Switch - as noted, I’ll wait. I want to focus on the “negative” list for a moment:

That part made me think of Days of Thunder.

Well, they only need to keep the end of the runway for TG (should make the property values go up :D)