
"I've slept in a room with roaches, but I've never had one hop in bed and throw one leg over me before. When they start to cuddle, that's where I draw the line." -Kip Odata "Big Cockroach"

Of course, this means he is a prime candidate for "Roach In Mouth Disease".

In all honesty, I'm kinda glad.

Thank you sir. And that was definitely my motivation starting out.

Looks like your chameleon circuit is working jussss fine.

Just. Plain. Awesome.

(Cover Art by Kayla Oliver)

My fanfiction based in Terry Pratchett's Discworld has topped 150,000 words and heading for 200,000. Clearly I can't publish it, nor make money off it, but I've thoroughly enjoyed writing (and the readers seem very pleased as well).

Thank you! Just downloaded it!

Can you "question the existence of painting itself" in the process? If so, I'll initiate a Kickstarter campaign for you today.

The next evening, we all took this advice.

The fact that you replied to this article three times, with a similar criticism each time, tells me that you may be slightly frustrated.

He needed another hit of 'roids.

Lesson learned: AIs are lying barstards.


While I have not seen any proof that GMOs are a risk, I'm wary for one very good reason.

The history of PCBs and corporate meddling in safety research. http://www.foxriverwatch.com/monsanto2a_pcb…

The history of science is absolutely CHOCK FULL of situations where science itself was not up to the task of assessing the

Recommendation: Repeat as needed until conclusive results obtained.

(Seriously, why can't they just do like the Norwegians and Icelanders and openly thumb their noses at the agreement, instead of calling it "research". I don't like it, but at least that's honest.)

Really enjoyed this, but....

They start off talking about all these biohazard precautions, then they walk into the facility completely unprotected.

I'd be more specific. I suspect this is primarily a map of trade routes of the USA and British Empire.