
You got a source for that? Cause I'd like to believe that.

Mike post did practically every single awesome theme song of that era.

I found the fact that the truck doing the towing already has a monster-sized dent in the cab a nice bit of foreshadowing. This isn't the first time the driver has shown his lack of physics expertise, betcha.

For the lulz maybe? Weasels and such are very playful critters and I could see chasing chickens being quite a game to them.

When I saw what they had done, I turned to my wife and said the exact same thing. "Crap, why not just photoshop it in to various heritage site photos. Same effect without completely destroying your credibility..."

Very much worth finishing the series.

Epic summary, dude. Just epic.

Let's see. If you charged $0.50 per episode, and the show was good, a lot of people would pay $0.50 to watch that. Let's say 100,000,000 people worldwide (which is what MASH's viewership was at its height back in the day), then that's $50,000,000 per episode in revenue without advertising.

That's not too shabby,

Viva pisco!

"Hey, look, that one's doing a wee!"

You know it kinda looks like a giant to- ALL GLORY TO HYPNOTOAD!

Yeahhhhh... It started off very impressive. But then the dialogue went five thousand ways of saying 'is this all there is' for about twice too long.

read this comment, which explains it was bacterial secondary infection, not influenza.


The Overfiend approves this message.


Silly man. Only dwarves can tell for sure, and even then there have been a few embarrassing wedding nights...

Cool story bro, but we know what that effect really means:

No connection to that family at all, but having read more deeply I found this:
