
Oh man. Coal's too good for that guy.

That is totally a "dad" joke. And yes. :-)

Ummmm I don't think he's saying "pelo PUBLICO" but something a bit different...

A video like this would make me feel empathy for those employees, but would not deter me from shopping at Safeway if that was what I wanted to do.


That's not cute. That's terrifying.


I'm sorry, I just don't see whats so cu-

*waves magic technology wand*

Terry Pratchett used this concept in one of his Discworld fantasy stories, "Feet of Clay". I'm always amazed at the bits of history he sneaks into his parody novels.

I thought the same. Could be that part of Alzheimers is actually a breakdown of the normal function/rhythm of the glymphatic system as a root cause.

Alzheimers also can have a biorhythm component. Some forms of Alzheimers are nicknamed "sundowners" because the impaired judgment increases when the evening approaches.

Yeah... that was my thought as well. "... never needs to sleep... until he snaps and kills everyone in the world."

This is golden. Well written.

I feel your pain.

For the amount of money they spent flailing around trying to find the problem, they could have brought out a new identical computer, swapped out your HD, and took your original back "to the lab" to find out what the **** was wrong with it.

Frankly, the desire to shove that phone in the customer's mouth would have been pretty overwhelming... what a disgusting excuse for a human being.

That was simply horrible...

Went to see this movie in college. My memory says it was disturbing and awesome both at the same time.