
"It comes in pints?! I'm having one!"

I agree wholeheartedly. They couldn't come up with anything better than that?

I agree wholeheartedly. They couldn't come up with anything better than that?

"The dog must never catch its tail."

Is it possible that instead of the universe expanding faster, that the speed of light is actually changing or some other component by which we measure velocity is changing rather than actual distances changing?

I stolded this. And I got a cookie for you. But I was hungry so I eated it.

EDIT: Nevermind, someone beat me to it but Kinja wasn't loading graphics. *sigh*

What s3rp3nts said.

Don't appreciate your igneous comments...


Bloody Pictsies...

There's a hoopy frood who knows where his towel is.

Very little occurs in a vacuum. I remember as a middle school kid wondering why some of my classmates were bullies and others were not.

Here is the NIH abstract regarding this.

*Considers several dozen plays on having an itchy foot*

Wait... you are saying it wasn't *ALL* water, just the water in those glasses? Now that's an interesting proposal, but I don't think it holds up.

MNS's character specifically says he's heading to the countryside to stay near water, because they don't like water. I think MNS did in fact imply that all water was

More like as he's falling down an escalator. Continuously. Fo-evah.

11) The Aliens of Signs