
Muscles bunch, string pulls taught.
Fingers relax ever so slowly.
Bated breath as moments tick over.
That satisfying thwack as the arrow hits smack in the center of the bullseye.

Needs MOAR lens flare!

You misspelled 'figs'...

Recommend getting a copy of Manfred Bechtel's book which describes some of that context very well.

And then there's hantavirus, for kicks and giggles.

I think you're missing a "b" in there.

Plus David Bowie. Because Goblin King.

The snark is strong with this one.

Contact Hugh Howey. He managed to become a very successful self-pub author. I believe initially he built a following through epub and built up from there.

Fly poop.

I believe if you read the details and Annalee's comments, they imply that they used "Greater metro areas" as well and found the same result.

I laughed.

Epic battle is very epic.

My first is the one you chose (Discworld). My second would be the Known Space series. A good intro might be this.

Yes! Yes! The number between 7 and 9 times a thousand times yes!PS: They had me at Ook!

I would recommend the Riddlemaster Trilogy by Particia McKillip. There's some JRRT derivation there, but very good reading.

"Highly Recommended" does not begin to describe my opinion of the Taltos series. Original, witty, dark at times, critical of ruling elites and class-based society, laying bare how people fool themselves, it's all in there. All of humanity's wonder and hypocrisy laid bare with sword and sorcery turned on its ear in