
Team baby.

To be fair- he could STILL be a gold digger who tricked her into having a baby. Team no one.

Out of curiosity: Anyone know how many jetliner water landings have actually worked where people have survived?

This has nothing to do with the USA specifically, but is more like "what I miss about western countries." Given that wool socks and expensive sandwiches are just as ubiquitous in Scandinavia, Italy, and Iceland as they are in the States. Glad you had a great trip and came back safely.

Seems like pretty damn important information to me. I would want to know if my future spouse had sex with one of my parents. I just don't see the marriage happening.

The only way this could get scarier is if they put a microphone so we could hear his heartbeat.

“And what is a person supposed to do? :/”

I mean, there is something to be said for the courtesy period before starting things with the new person.

Flying on a plane with your period is just irresponsible. You want to attract flying bears? Because that’s how you attract flying bears.

Oh my god, SITTING next to WOMEN?

It is against gods natural law for a man to sit next to a woman! Please let me sit in this aluminum tube flying 5 miles up in the air at 500mph in peace!!

Frankly, I think it’s just stunningly childish and irresponsible that these people would get on airplanes without up to date Cooties vaccinations in the first place.

Safari — a great time and surprisingly luxurious. Not as expensive as it may first seem either....

I recommend Wyoming in the late spring or early summer. It isn't too cold and it is gorgeous, private, and you can get an amazing place for a reasonable price.

Holy Fuck you're right. Maybe he was running towards a loaded cannon. Better put 8 rounds in him just be sure.

Whenever I see anything about these tiny homes, I have a nice liesurely stroll around my house and take in the wonderfulness that is not living in a daily claustrophobic nightmare.

A healthy marriage is impossible in a tiny house. It is, however, quite possible in two tiny houses.

Having never read Jonathan Franzen - but having read most of Jennifer Weiner's highly-readable novels, usually on an airplane - I can only say that this interview made me feel strongly that he is a total dickhead.

The Daily Mail called....and wishes it wrote this boob humor thing.

Do not mansplain this to me.

Needs more Deadpool.