
Because he's a murderer who avoids being brought to justice because he's a bounty hunter?

I go to the movies by myself all the time and I love it. I get to see what I want to see and there's no trying to decide which theater and figuring out logistics.


aaaaaaaaaaaaaahahahahaha. Im crying right now in Starbucks. Oh man. Thank you.

If I had to work on that pos show for this many years, I'd be demanding a cool million each episode too.

CBS is a crime against humanity.

Since when does being famous mean you give up freedom of speech?

They're absolutely correct right there!

I don't think this came off as preachy. All in all, it's a very cheerful video. The underlying message, of course, is something many people don't want to think about or are afraid to think about. It's all in the little things, after all. Whether it's tasting chocolate for the first time or being able to read an

I agree with you. We are lucky and seeing their faces light up like that makes me feel like I need to do something. Eh, we westerners need to be more happy with what we have.

Anyone who treats a gun like a toy or an accessory is a goddamn motherfucking sack of shit asshole. Cat, cow, copy of Atlas Shrugged, grandma, I don't care—don't point your gun (much less set up your camera, take the photo, and post it on social media) at things, animals or people you don't intend to shoot. That being

"I know I will get shit for saying this dumbass thing"

It's a right because your body does it naturally, with nobody's permission necessary. Just like it's a fundamental right to breathe, defecate, grow hair, etc.

I can't imagine why anyone would give you shit for saying poor people should be sterilized and only rich people should be allowed to have children.

Over/Under 99%: Odds the Chinese government is data mining every single one of these.

My god, what kind of face is this even? How seriously gorgeous can a person get?!

Yeah, I would venture a guess and say that all them pretty LA flowers eat up a shit ton of water. The jacuzzis in Vegas are probably worse, though.

This video felt so personal, so unedited compared to the normal spaceflight videos. We belong up there, even if it takes centuries for humanity to understand that. We already have the next frontier, we're just afraid to fully cross it.