
Tl;dr: Dear god that man is gorgeous.


There’s a big difference in voting for something and helping your husband to Create the thing. That bill plus welfare reform seriously fucked the Black community and you know it.


Anyone surprised that a bunch of men were awful to a woman should beat themselves up.

I hardly laughed, but that’s because I’m not a racist asshole. (I’m white.) Shame on that audience.

“the people who love you that put you there”

Wow he looks like shit. Good. Fucker.

“Dallas police are investigating.”

I’m fine with this cop eating his gun. Feel free, asshole. And using Drew Peterson’s lawyer is just rancid icing on the vomit cake.

If Uber told you the sky was green would you just accept that too? You’re riding in a cab. Since when don’t you tip a cab driver. And we make Less than they do. Be oblivious if you like, but none of you are stupid. Uber is led by a libertarian asshole all of us hate with a passion. We Hate that they infer tipping is

We fuss constantly. Uber is the Walmart of tech companies. They don’t give one single fuck about drivers.

Our pay depends on the area we drive in.

Many, many reasons.

I guess you see what you want to see. Do you think he would have said “go talk to your wife” if the genders had been reversed? I don’t think so.

1. Because he’s a cop. 2. The FEDs always move slow, that’s not a bad thing. They’re actually investigating this and that’s progress.

38 and YEP.

It’s a damn shame that Sorkin is such a shit. But whatever. Nothing and no-one will pry TWW Fein my computer, phone, tablet. NOTHING.

I miss John Spencer SO much.