
Business is a-boomin’ in the field of conservative hypocrisy. These guys don’t just have skeleton’s in their closets, they have entire elephant graveyards.

We happen to believe that driving is a high-pressured activity where our values maybe compromised by exposure to selfishness, road-rage, bad language and other inappropriate behaviour.

It’s completely to keep women trapped and at the mercy of men. We clip a pet bird’s wings so it won’t fly away. They keep a woman from learning to drive so she can’t flee.

If this was a conservative Muslim community doing exactly the same thing, you would be hearing howls about “Sharia creep” from one end of the right-wing blogosphere to the other.

And Esther better be walking her way to Ahasuerus to beg him not to kill all her people.

Well, people are terrified of letting their kids walk home from school. Or walk anywhere without adult supervision. Even though violent crime is dropping and has been dropping for years, people still think their kid is going to get abducted or something. Letting their kids walk home is tantamount to throwing them to

I am not sure there is a thing govt can do (heard it mooted their kids might not be allowed into schools but that sounds like a bad idea for me to be honest) but obviously this is woeful and if it was Muslim’s doing it over here the press would be going ape.

Judith is still allowed to decapitate Holofernes, but G-d forbid she drives to the Assyrian camp.

White guys coming of age or hitting an event that makes for an unforgettable milestone in their lives, leaving them to ponder their navels in a way that demands the audience to respect and relate? What’s not to love?

When are women going to ban men from telling women what the fuck they can and cannot do. That's what I want to know.

Boy, organized religion sure seems like a fun thing.

Am I the only person who absolutely hates Cameron Crowe? I find him sappy, melodramatic, and lacking in any actual story-telling skill.

Elizabethtown is seriously one of the worst movies ever made and yet, if it’s on TV, I will watch that shit every motherfucking time. Why, God? Why??

Heard a review this morning on the Kidd Kraddick show from a woman at Rotten Tomatoes. She said she had no idea what this movie was about and it was basically stupid.

Yeah, I saw the trailer and it was the usual formulaic, twee pap that American movies specialize in. Nothing new nothing interesting and nothing I’ll spend money to see. It’s terrible how dim witted the movie industry and the viewing public have become. Kind of a circle jerk. Everyone gets paid and no one really cares

Not trying to ruffle any feathers but I have always been confused as to why Cameron Crowe has had any sort of career. I really think all of his movies are incredibly overrated. But that’s just my opinion.

That is definitely my assumption. The only other plausible explanation is that Bill Murray signed on for the free trip to Hawaii, and everyone else signed on for Bill Murray.