
Actually, if you read their own policy on this (it’s on their website) it says that they may require passengers to give up their seat PRIOR to boarding. They should never have boarded and seated them if they knew it was full and they needed the seats.

You’re serious? You’re actually being serious here? He was only beligerant because he didn’t want to give up the seat he paid for. America isn’t fucked up, it’s just problematic when people are okay with other peoples basic rights being taken away. I’ve been “randomly” selected by airport security and police and had

This type of response should encourage United and other airlines to come up with policies that can prevent this scenario from happening in the first place. If United can’t competently book flights, passengers should not be pressured to fix it

there’s no way you’re not trolling

Shut the fuck up, bootlicker.

Do you even know what happened in this story? It seems you missed the whole point!! This man wasn’t belligerent, he payed for his seat on a plane that United OVERBOOKED and kicked passengers off of AFTER BOARDING so that four pilots on STANDBY (didn’t even have tickets) could board a plane that was going to LOUISVILLE

Unfortunately, the technically do have the legal right, it’s there in the tiny print of an airline ticket. It was an incredibly stupid strategy as everyone has observed. It was a valid protest by this customer that may prompt an overdue review of passenger rights with regard to the airlines ability to overbook

Congratulations for making a dumbass comment.

Hail corporate!

I smell united airlines​ PR department at work

the market has spoken. It said “fuck United and all their bullshit”


are you serious? . What they can do is offer more $$..everyone has a price. Someone else will take that $1000+ hotel. You can’t use force on a paying customer. He had a reason....What if your mom was dying and you had to fly home to see her? and the next flight out is not til the next day? C’mon man can’t blame the

What the fuck, are you serious? The man paid for his ticket. He paid for a ticket to go on that plane.

America is so fucked right now because the Government has turned the keys to the kingdom over to corporations.

bullshit. Noone calls right wingers on their shit more than Maher.

I usually ignore this turd but I have seen a little bit here and there and I don’t recall him presenting so femme. I knew he was gay but the makeup, excessive jewelry, and the way he’s presenting himself here feels like another form of mockery. Am I just working from too small of a sample size?

To me he seemed “high”. Maybe it was his nervousness being on a panel with those three other guests, but was trying very hard to put on a front as being calm and collected. He failed as his mannerisms indicate.

He’s 33. That’s not exactly “young.” That’s a fully grown man heading quickly into middle age.

I fully cosign what Larry said.

I was almost sad for him when he had to start wearing bulletproof vests during the campaign cycle because he pissed off the actual nazis of the alt-right. Almost.