
If someone with a net worth of $100,000 spent $10 on something, that would be the same percentage of their net worth as someone with $42 billion spending $4.2 million. You and I buying a $5 sandwich is the same as her buying a Bugatti Veyron.

Look, I hate elder abuse and people taking advantage as much as the next person, but at least these people were there for this woman, showing up every day, caring for her, being her "friend," even it was for money. Why should “Bettencourt’s estranged daughter Francoise Bettencourt Meyers” get billions instead? She

I’m sure these dudes must have thought “Because I’m worth it”.

I dunno. I’d rather have tons of money and have it stolen when I’m elderly and don’t know any better than live my whole life poor. In fact, I’d make that deal with the devil...make me super rich with the understanding that one day horrible vultures will steal my money out from underneath me. What can I say, I live in

I will gladly take such a heavy, detestable burden away from him.

I’m sorry, this totally and completely takes the cake, the conclusion of the Vanity Fair article:

As opposed to Mrs. Clinton to whom you seem inclined to give a pass because she’s female?

Wealthy? Bernie Sanders? You must have his balance sheet mistaken for Mrs. Clinton’s.

No one is a perfect candidate, but Bernie has far, far less red flags than any other Democratic contender. I mean if we want to dig deep all of them have some skeletons- from Clinton’s lukewarm at best support for anything resembling economic populism and massive political cowardice to O’Malley gaming crime statistics

You might want to do a little research on rape fantasy before you start accusing people of supporting rape culture, especially since 4 in 10 women actually do fantasize about it. And the next time you accuse someone of supporting rape culture you might want to check and make sure that person, like me, isn’t a rape

I’d recommend you readers try reading the whole thing without the benefit of witless media commentary, and I don’t mean just from Bill Kristol and NotsoBreitbart.

I think it’s far less common now than it used to be, but I think it’s not an accident that older romance novels are full to the brim of dashing rapists. And I remember reading Nancy Friday’s books about female sexual fantasies in the 80s and early 90s, and rape fantasies were still incredibly prevalent at that point.

Young Bernie Sanders sounds like current day Jaden Smith channeling EL James.

Look, of course there are some acts that even after 43 years are unforgivable. Like if he actually raped someone himself. But opining on rape fantasies when you’re 30 years old? In the 70s? Trying to make that an issue is grasping at straws.

It is true that some people fantasize about being raped but it’s not because they think it’s a natural state for women. It’s because we live in a sexually repressed society which shames people, especially women, for enjoying sex and rape fantasies provide a situation in which the fantasist can imagine having sex

No. Rape fantasies are a thing for a lot of women. Maybe not you but we’re out there.

Yeah, I left the internet for a few hours and the first thing I see when I get back is a friend on Facebook saying “How many candidates have written about women fantasizing about being raped by 3 men? Only Bernie Sanders.” Of course, this friend is a conservative.

I’m not really even sure what the “controversy” is here. “Bernie Sanders talked about kinky stuff in a abstract pop-sociology essay 40+ years ago”?

The only correct response to anything Bill Kristal tweets is “Delete your account.”

Well, I mean, I don’t think he has much choice, unfortunately.