
i hope this is the post that gets me out of the greys...

Apparently that’s what you can do with parts of people’s lives you find unsavoury: just write them out.

Of course farrahs current “boyfriend” isn’t interested in hanging out with her crotch-droppings. Dudes don’t generally climb onto d-list bilge pumps because they’re aching for an instant family. He wants his fifteen minutes; his dicky sticky; and without the kindercrap.

Unpopular opinion, but I don’t think Josh is going to do anything to his daughters. I think his molestation of his sisters was a symptom of how fucked up his family was regarding his parents always for some reason NEEDING to kiss and be intimate in front of their children, while repressing normal sexual outlets for a

Hey Mark, I’m in Florida, let me check my local news and see if I can find you something interesting. I mean... it is a holiday weekend in Florida, odds are pretty good that something hilariously weird or awful happened.

Not mention he may change her diaper and we’ve read the pamphlets telling what sluts babies are. What’s a guy expected to do when confronted with all that infant sexuality?

Dear Friends,

My molester uncle told this joke in front of my parents and me:

Every single thing about this family gives me the creeps. Like in an Omen kind of way. It’s like they are the polar opposite of the morals and values that they purport to stand for. There’s such a disconnect between what they think being a “good person” is and what actually just being decent means.

Didn’t Rosie’s last divorce end acrimoniously as well? I mean, like REALLY acrimoniously? Why can’t she just be the nice talk show lady like I think of her in my head?

I mean who in their right fucking mind adamantly supports a child molester? I know his son killed a dog for giggles but still.

Good. Also:

The fact that this woman will be 83 years old when her children graduate high school rubs me the wrong way, provided she survives to graduation. Taking care of aging parents is a hard thing to do. It’s certainly not something that young teenagers should be forced into because their mother decided it would be cool to

Good mother or not, she’ll be 80 when these kids are 15. As young as she thinks kids keep her, she will be elderly when they are adolescents, I don't think it's possible for her to be as good of a mother as someone younger could be. There’s a very high probability she’ll die when they’re still quite young. She's too

You can’t be a good mother to that many children. Period. My mom, who had five, and did a good job, would be the first day that. And it took tons of money.

Does anyone else feel like she's treating having and raising children like a hobby? Something about this rubs me the wrong way.

Who the hell allows a 65 year old woman to undergo IVF? Totally out of control. Adopt, people, adopt.

I presume they were born at 26 weeks, prematurely, rather than born 26 weeks premature.

Sadly it’s not even close for me. I once did a postpartum home visit to find that the infant had died several days before but the mother was still bathing and dressing the little body and frantic because “She just won’t eat.” I suspect this will turn out to be something similar. Grief can do some powerfully tragic

This isn't that uncommon actually. Losing a child is a unique loss that isn't comparable to anything else. Nobody knows how they would react after they lost their child. Lots of women go into shock and don't hand over their child's body right away when something happens to them. I just hope she's getting help and has