
I usually watch every episode twice (the second time to pick up on details I missed the first time). I will NOT be watching this episode a second time. My only hope for Sansa after this episode is that Tyrion’s prediction about her in season 2, after he rescued her from Joffrey’s beating, will come true and she will

God, I’m really starting to hate this fucking show. How many times can they resort to the same old tired tropes and retreads to develop the female characters? Even if Sansa and Theon get vengeance it still won’t because they used her rape as a catalyst to get there.

This was one of my favorite episodes so far, and I’ll tell you why: no Daenerys and no Jon Snow. It’s like they made this episode just for me! Instead of those two boring douchebags, they focused on all the best plots and characters. We got a lot of Arya at Braavos. I know those scenes have been a little annoyingly

Yes, it was awful. And the whole time I kept thinking “Why did not one, but two separate sets of people, decide that kidnapping Myrcella in the middle of the day in the middle of the gardens is a good idea?” I get that maybe Jamie and Bronn didn’t have a plan, and let’s face, neither of them is suited to be the brains

Also I know I’ve commented a lot already on this article, but can we talk about how INCREDIBLY BORING AND MIND NUMBING Arya’s storyline is? I know she’s going to become incredibly cool, and it seems like she’s on the cusp of that happening based on her last scene in the last episode. But it’s so hard for me to even

I have been refreshing throughout the day, hoping for a “welp, we’re done with this” post or at least a full post devoted to the torture-porn, “how much violence against women can we tolerate” aspect. Especially when other sites announced cutting GoT from their coverage. I am pretty bummed out.

I don’t even think the upset about the rape scene has to do with people being somehow naive about what obviously would happen during the wedding night with a known torturer - it is my understanding that people are upset because: 1.) Sansa’s character is now combined with a totally different character from the book,

Outside of the Sansa nightmare can we talk about how REALLY BAD the sand snake “fight” was?? I know nothing compares to what your imagination can create but yeeeugh it felt sad and embarrassing. The Sand Snakes are something I loved so much about the book and this idea of a motley crew of badass sisters was so

And of course he stood by Renly’s body. He was his sworn guard and a knight is supposed to stand vigil over a dead body before burial. Wearing his armor at the Blackwater was a physiological tactic to scare Stannis’s men. Boom. Go away High Sparrow and your immodest man cleavage.

it hurts me that sansa can’t catch a break. from reading comments online, i know that she’ll rise up some how. also getting from the internet that cersei’s going to get her ass handed to her soon. excited to see that.

So MEH with the Sand Snakes. They’re just three little girls with identical clothes and identical mean expressions. They’re Oberyn’s daughters, you’d think one of them would have put her foot down on that boneheaded mission. I wanted the diversity of book Sand Snakes- big brawny Obara, refined Nymeria that takes after

The Sand Snakes are a trainwreck. Terrible writing, bad acting, their whole arc is a disaster. I really hate the contrivance of the coincidental arrival of J&B with the attack on the kids by the Snakes. The whole thing is preposterous.

Eh. If you ask me, the Sand Snakes fight felt anticlimactic before it was broken up by the guards. It felt like everyone was still at the first rehearsal or something. "Oh, I'm supposed to step there, then cut, then step back out of the way of the whip? Let's go through that one more time, slowly."

That awkward moment when non-feminist sites are absolutely raging about the Sansa scene while the reaction on Jezebel boils down to “Eh, rape again” and talks about the show creators “respecting” Sophie when in reality they could barely wait for her to turn 18 so they could have her character raped. Fuck you,

No I don’t think they did overreact and I am quite surprised that Jezebel and so many are defending this, on this show they have invented a rape scene for 3 of it characters that did not come from the source material. I think a lot of people are just getting tired of watching the show runners keep on adding more rape

Question: why didn’t Loras just raise an eyebrow and say, “of course he’s seen my birthmark. He’s my squire. He helps me suit up, you morons”?

Yeah. I liked Tommen, and now I just want him to go away. He is literally completely useless.

Yes, for a brief moment I thought, “Oh my god, she literally has something up her sleeve! Yessssssss!”


If millennials aren’t getting married PLEASE tell my mailbox and Instagram/FB feeds that. I’m so tired of looking at pictures of center pieces in banquet halls every weekend.