
How can one be “deeply unconcerned?:” Not to be all picky, but “deeply” suggests...well, a level of concern. She’s very concerned about being unconcerned?

You’re supposed to be hot, but don’t show that you care too much and BE HUMBLE. Always take compliments with disbelief and try to say something self-depricating as a response, otherwise you’re conceited and vain. Don’t just say thanks (or at all), convince men they’re being too kind to notice your 3 hours of getting

Her? Egg? Taylor Swift is very pretty, but somehow she has zero sex appeal. She just seems aestheticly perfect in all the ways we've been told are correct, but also as neutral as a department store mannequin.

I bet they prefer women who don’t wear makeup either.

So women are valued for being hot but they can’t care that they are valued for being hot. Fantastic. I’m thrilled to raise a daughter in this culture.

Ironic that she’s talking about feminism and double standards. There’s been a ton of articles written about the attractiveness expectations for women, many centering around how you need to be hot but it needs to be effortless, because nothing is more of a turnoff than looking like you’re trying to hard, because that

She is unconcerned with being attractive? I don’t think so.

SO true - the look she gave Cersei........that grandma is NOT to be messed with

It benefits Littlefinger to set the Boltons and Stannis against each other, so that he can go in there with the knights of the Vale after the worst is over in the name of the crown, and be named Warden of the North for doing hardly anything at all. Leaving Sansa at Winterfell was the one thing absolutely guaranteed to

You put into words a lot of what I’m feeling about both the show this season generally and last night’s final scene specifically. I was in shock and am still in shock that this was Sansa’s fate. I was watching with my husband, and as Ramsey ripped open Sansa’s gown and pushed her down, I was so in denial that I

I could tell that thing is going to come back and bite Cersei. She is so shortsighted and doesn't take the long view. The way Olenna was looking at her afterwards like you don't know what you just unleashed.

Oh my god, and I know it’s fairly minor in the grand scheme of things, but the idea that Littlefinger would just take Sansa to the Boltons and be like “huh never heard of you bro that’s kinda weird but okay bye!” is so beyond stupid I can’t even describe it. The idea that A. Ramsay and his exploits wouldn’t be

I’m still sorting out my feelings about that scene, but I really couldn’t watch Sansa’s face any longer and was a tiny bit relieved when they switched to Theon. It was still so disturbing, but I feel it would have been worse to keep the camera on Sansa. Also maybe they want to show that Theon is having enough of

Thank you! I don’t know how many comments I’ve read saying that this storyline is more interesting than Sansa’s arc in the books, and I’m like, “Whaaat?” More interesting how? In what way? I mean this girl has been beaten, she’s been emotionally tortured, her father was beheaded in front of her, her aunt tried to kill

If other viewers are like me, it wasn’t really about how he feels. I honestly didn’t feel much for him, because the shit was happening to her but... I was wondering if it was going to break him and he’d just kill Ramsey. I think the closeup on Theon was more about curiosity rather than empathy.
That’s just went through

There’s a middle ground. The actor that played Ramsay has had no trouble admitting on record that he didn’t want to do the scene.

Feeling the same. Having read the books, I kept wondering what route they would go. Part of me thought they would delay the marriage until more players were in place, possibly setting up a Brienne rescue, or maybe have Roose tell Ramsey to tone it down before the consummation, but I guess this is the most logical

Yes! The whole episode, including the Loras/Margaery/Olenna/Cersei scene, was so upsetting because of two things: 1. The sense of foreboding, that “yeah, this is bad, but it’s going to get so, SO much worse”, and 2. The music. Whoever is scoring GoT is genius. The music made me want to cover my eyes and watch through

What has five hands and is that conflicted?

I’m extremely conflicted about that scene.