
The point is not adding “token” women. The point is recognizing the knowledge and skills women abundantly have, and are equal to or exceed that of male panalist, and incorporate them equally into the world.

The show is not funny or great. I quit watching. The sexism was the last nail.

One of my most (least) favorite parts of the Nightly Show is waiting for the one female comic to find an opening to get a joke in. :(

The most annoying part is the knowledge that if these panels were all women, that fact would be addressed ad nauseam (as opposed to their knowledge or expertise). “Females in the Tech Industry Speak Out”. “Ladies’ Night Poverty Summit”. “Healthcare in the U.S.: Vagina Monologue Edition”.

When will people get it?! There is a very good reason for excluding women: Cooties. We be mad infected with The Cooties.

This young lady was suspended for wearing a halter dress to school because it was distracting to her male peers. She publicly went on record saying that maybe the boys should stay home from school so they can practise some self control. Love her. She is getting a butt TON of coverage. Fighting the good fight!

Eh. Most of the presidents we consider to be “great” governed during horrible times to live in. No one really knows how George H.W. Bush would have handled a civil war or massive depression. I’ll take mediocre presidencies if we get relative amounts of peace and prosperity.

That is true, of course, many of his policies sucked.

Specifically, though, I’m talking about the ideas of his that would get him drummed out of the party:

- Reagan signed nearly a dozen tax INCREASES into law
- Reagan *tripled* the deficit. Cheney famously said at the time “Reagan proved deficits don’t matter”, but the

Not really, Reagan is basically the sole reason all of this corporation horseshit got going.

“The problem here, of course, is that praising Obama or Jimmy Carter is off limits, Clinton likewise and by a factor of a million...”

Or acted like this was the first they’d heard of Reagan’s death. “I said LIVING president.” “Are you saying Reagan isn’t...he’s no longer...oh God, WHY? Why, God, whyyyyyyyy? Why must the good ones always be taken from us so young? He was too BEAUTIFUL to die! If only I had died in his stead!” Then you start rending

A much more fun exercise would be to wait for the Reagan answer and then ask them to name Reagan policies.

Nah, not hard at all. Hillary would say Bill. Sanders would say Carter. Anyone else could get away with saying Obama because they’re unlikely to get any traction anyway.

If they’d had some notice, each could have cultivated a misty farway look, “Ronald Reagan will always be alive for me.” Or for Rand Paul and Ted Cruz, “Jefferson Davis will always be alive for me.”

Which is why I have to give Jeb some credit for essentially telling Norquist, and all the other folks lining up with pledges, to shove it.

Then how is he ready to make the tough decisions befitting a world leader?!?!?

Worked for who? He didn’t get a second term.

Ugh, the Norquist pledge. It is still one of the most harmful things in politics today, and it is so damn stupid. It’s stupid even for right wingers that want lower taxes and a free market, because it prohibits ending all the bullshit tax subsidies we give to preferred industries.

This is so mean and kind of delightful.

They can’t say Bush 1 either because he raised taxes and it worked out just fine. Don’t need to be reminding people of that little disaster.