
There are many favorite parts, but my favorite-favorite part is how a child is basically the same thing as a politician who ran a successful campaign and was voted into office by constituents who have faith in her abilities.

Wow! By the same logic, I can generalize all the things I learned by talking to my 3 yo nephew to all adult male politicians. Hmmm... okay, that would mean men throw temper tantrums when they don’t get what they want, refuse to urinate and defecate in socially acceptable places and have trouble with abstract concepts.

Sorry you had to learn to “patiently” communicate with your daughter when she tries to talk to you. Sounds like you’ve got a tough fucking life Dude. Can you imagine? Having to answer questions from your kid and a GIRL much less?

Here is my presentation, they should show this:

Why have you not watched Earth Girls Are Easy? It’s glorious. It’s cheesy. It has Jeff Goldblum in it! What’s not to love?

Britney really doesn’t dance much anymore, does she? Lots of standing in one spot and posing. That song and video are awful.

In a way, I kind of liked it. I think it’s because Britney seems to be really into the dance sequences in a way she hasn’t been for ages (there’s a bit of light creeping into her eyes again).

i love terrible pop and this was just soooo meh.

As someone who’s loved her since BOMT came out, I’ll probably die defending Britney.

Is it just me or is that a really clunky song? Of course it’s catchy but it’s also really lunky.

Seeing Larry David (who I did not recognize/know when this show was on the air) jauntily in that cape is an amazing sight!

Mod Cloth girl!

Actually, me too. But come on, Ariana Grande cannot be the apex of R&b these days to which we should compare every novelty. It’s like nutella: It’s ok to have it, just don’t discard more refined varieties of chocolate because of it.

Ahhh... No show before, over produced sound... Sounds like good marketed singer.

Now playing

Jia. Please please please feature good female musicians who are unknown and have earned recognition but never received it... I am begging you. Not people who have never had a show and use auto tune like a microphone.

These music posts are never good. I always want them to be, but they aren’t. I think these posts could be a powerful tool to key us into actually good underground music. Please start posting good music instead of shitty slathered pop. I’m just going to stop clicking now....

Hard pass.