
Me, literally the whole time reading this:

I’ve said this before, but my disdain for Franzen became burning hatred when he wrote that NEw Yorker article about how Edith Wharton would have been a better writer if more men had wanted to fuck her. I still can’t believe more people didn’t call him out for that. Edith Wharton is 1000x the writer he will ever be.


While I still think the airlines suck about most of these I do agree with you. I had to fly pregnant, visibly pregnant, but with my doctor’s permission and not after the airline’s own permissible date.

I agree with you. As an educator I have seen my share of violent kids and it is not pretty even with TRAINED people around to handle it. I can’t imagine being responsible for a plane full of people in the air and having a parent threaten you that their daughter will “have a meltdown and scratch people,” if you don’t

Yet the old German guy who sat next to me and who was drunk in an hour and kept ordering (and getting) whiskeys for the next 7 hours the flight lasted (SEVEN HOURS FROM HELL) - who tried to grab me, and the flight attendant, who puked over my shoes — he was never removed, kept getting his booze, and even when I

So what you really “take issue” with is the fact that the narrative or perception of an event is being controlled by people you don’t like and disagree with.

Or they could have brought the food onboard. It's not like there aren't a zillion kiosks selling hot food at an airport. Crappy hot food, yes, but hot food nonetheless. Even a sandwich can be heated up in a microwave which I'm sure the flight crew would have gladly done if the situation was QUIETLY explained to them.

Based on the accounts of this story that I’ve read, it sounds as if they were kicked off because of the mother. First, the child only eats hot meals, which are only served in first class (why they were travelling coach in that case is beyond me). When she was unable to get a first class meal for her daughter the

No no, the autistic kid one was valid. People, we live in a post 9/11 world you cannot I REPEAT CANNOT make any threats on an airline. The family said if their daughter does not get hot food she would get violent ( lash out and scratch). If they wanted hot food they should have booked first class.

Defamation won’t be a hurdle for rape survivors - it will be a warning for journalists who don’t even try to talk to alleged rapists, or check with fraternities for something as simple as when their parties are. If I understand the law correctly, it’s not even an issue for journalists who make a good faith effort to


Before someone says that there shouldn’t be a defamation lawsuit against Rolling Stone because a rape obviously happened, just not this one, let me ask you a question: If you’re the parent of a high school junior (or senior, although seniors have probably picked their colleges already), would you want to go to this

No. These are demonstrably false allegations against UVA and it’s employees. They’re the actual victims here, not the hypothetical future victim you’ve imagined.

Eramo wasn’t a rape victim. She’s not being sued by her alleged attacker. Her job included working with victims of sexual misconduct. We DON’T want people to avoid that type of job for fear that they might be the victim of a false smear campaign. It’s already not a fun job - disturbing events + the fact that either

You are quite wanton about wanting to be wanton :P

Someday I would like to do something that results in my being referred to as “wanton.”

A guy I work with explained to me how easy it is to have your pet “authorized” as a comfort animal, thus permitting you to have your pet fly with you for free (which is why he did it). Basically you pay some on-line company (NOT a government agency) $35 for a certificate and tell the airline you travel with a

Oooh! OOOOOH! Does this mean we can use the Sharia Law defense to get rid of the ridiculous and oppressive Blue Laws in Texas? Because not being able to buy hard liquor on Sunday mornings is definitely infringing upon my beliefs!!!