
Kristin Cavalleri is pregnant again. Ughhhhh. Let me be upfront, I AM JEALOUS AS HELL. I am a poor college student with a toddler who would kill to spout bullshit about “the joy of mothering”. Naw, me and my husband are bleary eyed (for different reasons), and at each others throats constantly because we don’t have

I have my suspicions that some of these folks have real accounts and are un-greying their own troll posts.

I suspect T-Rollin’

Hah! I’m not tryna be cool not knowing Kardashians. I just have never watched the show.

I was teaching a really basic 1st year Uni course in film and asked the kids to name ‘cult’ films. About 80% of them said Mean Girls. I actually began explaining that generally speaking a film needed to be successful some years after release to be considered cult (Donnie Darko being a weird exception to the rule) and

See, I think people missed the point of my joke. It’s not one of those “I’m so cool, I don’t even know who person X is” things. I know who Amber Rose is, I read Jezebel after all, but I couldn’t for the life of me tell you how she pays her air fare. I mean, you know, the Kardashians are dopey, do-nothing idiots but at

This makes me really angry (and guilty when I fly first for work). Going through tsa security is a requirement of federal law—we would all be treated the same in that setting and NO ON.e should be able to buy their way to the head of the line.

All I know about this Amber Rose person is that she has a butt.

Who is amber rose?......Who are you? Who is that houseplant? Who is a chair?

The girl who is famous for talking shit about the other girl who is famous for doing nothing. I love life.

Celebrity bicycle.

Also, Mean Girls came out 11 years ago. Think about that for a minute.

Gotta say...if it weren’t for Jezebel, I’d have no idea who she was. In fact, I’m still not entirely sure...I guess she falls into the ‘famous for being famous’ category...

Miles Teller has a stupid face.

Seriously. Amber Rose flies commercial? I mean how is that even possible with how many albums she’s sol....the gross of her last big movi...the ratings on her hit TV sh...

Because a nation can never live up to the ideals of its founding myth until it comes to grips with the sins of its reality.

White people: racism isn’t about us but literally everything else is.

HAAAHAHAHA I can’t believe they’re counteracting her criticism by literally proving her point. (Wait, I can!)

White fragility is real. I just got done writing a column in which I mentioned white fragility in the context of the recent shootings of unarmed black men and I just know my inbox will be inundated with butt hurt come Wednesday when it’s published. The mere act of mentioning racism is still a thing drives people