
Theoretically possible (but unlikely) the peppercorn lady is not stupid. Maybe she was allergic to pink peppercorns, which are botanically distinct from black pepper (and peppercorns). Even if it was that, you should be a little better informed on your own life threatening allergy. From wiki:


“Actually, sir, that’s a Bud Light.”

I have two from my cousin:

I am using “peanut grease” on my wine-consoisseur aunt someday.

That’s a good point. A month or so ago I was in a Dunkin Doughnuts (this is not an endorsement, but shit happens) and there were two of us standing by the pick up counter. The cashier says to the employee who’s bagging the orders that “that one belongs to that guy” as he motions toward both of us. She clearly gets

My guess would be that he had a sign signifying that he was a homeless vet...eran.

Heh, nice. My mom likes to tell the story of me at a very young age having entered some garlic in the local fair. When passing by later, she let me out of the car so I could run in and check how it did (no open parking so she was still in the car). I apparently came stomping back looking all angry, and when she asked

Nope. I submitted that story and it took place at one of those beaches where driving and/or parking are expressly forbidden. Not a single car on the beach. I’m still stumped by it.

As long as everyone is admitting knowledge gaps: it wasn’t until my early twenties that I learned that fish tacos were food and not (just) slang for female genitalia.

My sister, bless her heart, was eating Thanksgiving dinner when she suddenly spat out a mouthful of Apple pie in disgust. When asked why she complained about the apples in it and said, “I thought that was just a name!” She was 19 at the time.

To me, a poached egg was one that was caught in a snare, on a not to bright night. And then you would stuff it down your pants and run silently though the dark forest for half a mile. When you ate your poached egg, you always chucked the last bit and the shell to the lurcher that had been silently by your side all

Pink peppercorns are actually related to pistachios, not pepper, so a person with a pistachio/mango allergy should avoid pink peppercorns. Pink peppercorns are rarely ground in a mill, but are often in peppercorn mixes that chefs may use if they are using whole peppercorn in a recipe. So that could be a legit allergy.

That one makes sense to me, its a regional thing and someone might not know it was a battered and fried steak.

I have been trying to shift it around in my head to see how he possibly could have gotten there:
Tanqueray. Tank and tonic. T and Tonic. T and to? T-to?

Daiquiri Danger

I once ordered a G&T in a bar, and was surprised when the drink delivered to the table was the color of weak swamp water: gin with cold unsweetened tea. How could the server have gotten the bartender to make this drink? “No, he SAID gin & tea, so that’s what I need you to give me! The customer is always right, Tito.”

i do still get extra nice treatment at my local home depot after the ranting customer in the garden center once turned around and asked me to validate his commitment to the idea that the cashier have all the SKU’s for patio stones memorized after he’d been calling her stupid for two minutes solid. i told him he was

I think beach guy may have been commenting on the fact that people were driving (and parking) on the beach. It’s allowed in some places, but expressly forbidden in others. So if he’d never seen people tailgating on the beach before he might have been surprised, hence the question was it a parking lot or a beach?

re: Tito’s Gin-

I always assumed a poached egg was some sort of lion egg that hunters acquired using unscrupulous means.