
Yeah, I usually do not have spare money, but I’d really like a link or info on how to donate/get involved as well.

I would love it if posts like this included information like how to donate or get involved. This type of thing is awesome and I would love to help.

Do you have a link where we can donate? This sounds like such a simple yet profound way to improve someone's quality of life. I'd love to be a part of it!

Do these kits include instructions on how to use them?


Until just two weeks ago, I was around kids all the time professionally. I'm around them all the time privately too (big family, all friends have kids). I've seen both kinds of parents, but I've also seen very patient skillful parents who have kids that are just friggin' picky. It's a pretty common thing for people

We have a strict 4 big bites rule. Every kid automatically hates something new at 1 bite, but after 4 decent sized bites if you don’t like it - it’s fine. There are things I don’t like either.

I had a roommate in college that only ate little kid food- spaghetti os, chicken tenders, French fries, ect. She was beautiful, very into running and physically fit. She literally got scurvy from not eating any fruit and vegetables. Literally scurvy- like a pirate. I thought maybe that would be a wake up call and she

Kids should be required to at least try anything before they reject it because “it looks funny,” though. I don’t agree with making kids eat everything they hate, but they damn sure shouldn’t get to sit in their plain-hamburgers-with-ketchup-and-maybe-plain-cheese-pizza comfort zone all the time (I’M LOOKING AT YOU, MY

I was just going to say there are legit reasons a kid might have that contribute to making them seem picky. I have Aspergers and growing up with sensory problems was really hard since my mother didn’t understand me and just though I was over sensitive and picky about clothing textures and food. Sorry to be that

A lot of parents I know make whatever and give the kids the same thing. Maybe a less spicy or more well cooked version if it’s meat, but the same generally. No kid with food in front of her has ever starved to death.

Why the snark?

My BF’s brother is super picky. He’s not a dick about it, but it means that as a family they had a fairly limited food repertoire. Which led to me asking my 30-yo-boyfriend, “Do you like Thai food?” and him saying, “I have no idea.” “Ok. Do you like curry?” “I have no idea.”

The people who think that they can get extra proteins for free because they hate vegetables. Ugh.

Just a warning: this person is a weird new variety of troll. They’re posting the same outraged bullshit all over this article (I dismissed one of their responses). And they’re making multiple accounts to do it for some reason. Don’t engaaageee.

Why do you have like, three different accounts on this one article? You know you don’t have to make a new account every time you want to post, right?
Kinja: You’re doing it wrong.

The devil made him gay! God was just trying to kill his wife with diabetes.

Isn’t it disturbing what some people do for the fuck lust?

Still seeking God's Glory Hole.

I actually was standing in my closet the other night thinking