
...a longtime dairy and goat farmer...

I had no idea a (disgusting) pig was capable of raising goats.

Good on law enforcement for taking the victims seriously and setting up a sting despite the fact that the perpetrator is very powerful and privileged. I shouldn't have to be giving the cops credit for doing their jobs, it should be a given. But still, I'm glad.

It’s good that all of this is now out in the open. The Full Vermonty, if you will.

I picked you above all others and it seemed like it was going to work out great so we hired you. Then you toured and you were drinking too much before you performed and we told you to stop.

Really? I think they come off pretty respectfully here and she comes off a little immature, tbh. I think it also says something that in her posts she doesn’t deny that they approached her and talked to her prior to this posting, which contradicts the part about her being blindsided.

Reading everything it sounds like she already knew and they tried to be polite. If she was drinking so much they were worried then they had every right to kick her out.

Gwar without the original Vulvatron?

“ The new person playing the “Vulvatron character” has been announced. “

Also, this: “The bathroom off the foyer is done in black marble, and its toilet paper is black, too. Later, when I told people this, their response was either to wonder where black toilet paper could be purchased or to ask how you would know you were done wiping. A few also noted that in one episode of the show, Kim

OMG, that should be the wikipedia example of shade.

this is the conclusion of my thesis: “Chris Hemsworth>>>Liam Hemsworth”, research by andsmokeit

Sorry... what were we talking about?

I’m sorry that you grew up in an environment where child abductions were common enough that they were a genuine threat to leaving your child in a car. Fortunately this article is targeted at America (mentioning in case the author’s nationality, blog’s headquarters, or national tilt to each and every one of the

Because people are jerks and oversensitive. I don’t know if my parents left me in the car as a very young child, but I do know they did when I was around 4-5. If it was a short errand, my parents would ask if I wanted to come in or wait in the car. Usually it depended where we were going. If I got too hot, I’d just

I got left in the back hatch of a SAAB 9-5 to play with my cars when I was 8 while my uncle and my aunt went gambling at a Casino once, while they were supposed to be babysitting.

It’s a case of dumb people ruining something for everyone.

Your dog could help protect your child.