

For book readers:

Yeah, Cersei is actually really bad at the Game of Thrones, but she THINKS she’s amazing at it. Which is probably the worst kind of player to be.

Thoughts on episode 4 (sorry so long, I have lots of thoughts guys!)

“Why would the party take the chance on someone else?”

I’m very curious as to what percentage of the American population still associates socialism with communism. It seems that the younger portion of the population associate socialism more with western Europe and all their National Health Services and such rather than the Soviet Union, which fell before a good deal of us

That’s exactly what was once said about a Junior Senator from Illinois named Barack Obama.

Pro tip: they're not running for president, they're running for vice president and/or future Fox News talking head

The only person who matters anymore is Bernie Sanders. Who did not even get an article even though these two crazies and Hilary did.

I think you overestimate Hillary’s electability and underestimate Bernie’s ability to appeal to voters, especially considering that there was once a time when it was Hillary vs. a widely unknown Black guy with a foreign sounding name, and Hillary ended up losing that race to a guy who ran on a Progressive platform not

Like Ben and Carly before me, I intend to run for president in order to cash in on that lucrative conservative book publishing/public speaking $$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$$

He may stupid things, but he was a very gifted neurosurgeon. He definitely should not be running for office though.

“Son, you tried your best, and you failed miserably. The secret is, never try.”

Ben Carson says so many whacked out things, I would never let him operate on me or anyone I care about.

Mint / Chocolate is my favorite, but it faced stiff competition from Peanut Butter / Chocolate....

(Chocolate is a flip-flopper).

I don’t think Jeb stands a chance of winning. Not after eight years of his brother. I also find it highly amusing that his own mother doesn’t want him running. She said two Bush presidencies were enough.

I think at this point the Derms should just start messing with the reps and make fake announcements like;

I heard about Carly this morning and that in her announcement she said she knows how to fix the economy.