
My actual reaction to this information:

I hope she sues that officer and the U.S. Marshals. They caused property damage and traumatized her. What they did was unconstitutional and therefore illegal so a decent lawyer should make short work of it.

Hit them in the money. Very little is as effective as hitting people in their monies.

“Filmed by another woman across the street.”

Who watches the watchers? We all do.

The ACLU makes an app called mobile justice so you can record police encounters and immediately send to the ACLU if they come at you all crazy. It also has info on your rights and how to deal with police. Download it! Police the police!

That makes me almost as crazy as this:

now that I’ve seen it, it’s driving me NUTS

The smaller one on the far left is driving me crazy but maybe it looks better from the front...???

The thing I’m most outraged by is that she MISSED A PIECE!!! IS THIS NOT INCLUDED IN HAIRSTYLING 101???

I think people desperately want to separate athletes as athletes from athletes as people, because you’d inevitably have to take a really hard look at whatever sport you prefer over boxing. “Yeah, go ahead and criticize Mayweather, but I bet you support the NFL and their woman-beaters amirite?” I don’t think any

Man, he’s gonna be pissed when someone reads this article to him.

There were a lot of people last night commenting on how they were trying to evaluate his boxing career separate from his behavior outside the ring.

NO, never say allergic if you aren’t. You can simply check if there are any on your burger. Somebody who’s allergic might die because they used the same knife (which he or she can’t easily check). If servers and kitchen have to do all the necessary and time consuming precautions for somebody with allergies 10x as much

This is something that baffles me. If you have a deadly allergy that requires an EpiPen to keep you alive, wouldn’t you carry one at all times? I was on a flight a few years ago and woke up from a nap to see the woman in front of me with 2 flight attendants and an oxygen mask because her throat was closing up. Turns

Yep that’s what I have! Luckily I am good with most fruits, but I am allergic to all melons and all tree nuts as well. Honestly I can’t wait to get allergy shots again. I noticed a big improvement just on 6 months worth of shots. I will have to start over again, but once I am in a stable spot (with proper health

You may know this already, but it sounds like you may have what I do, which is Oral Allergy Syndrome. This results from pollen allergies, and proteins in foods that are similar to the proteins in the pollen. Different pollens are similar to different fruits/vegetables/nuts, so if you have a lot of environmental

I agree that restaurants should take allergies seriously. But I also think people should stop lying about allergies. This is a real thing that people do when they don’t like an ingredient, and it’s kind of nutso because there’s a real difference between “hold the tomatoes cause I don’t want to pick them off myself”

It’s also important for those of us that don’t actually have these allergies to not act as though we do. It makes others take these things less seriously. I saw a psychology video that mentioned people that carelessly or jokingly self diagnose themselves can make a condition seem less serious, as it makes it seem as

I wish that people would realize that not all food allergies result in dramatic symptoms, especially if ingested in small quantities. The tomato lady could have had fatigue, muscle aches, itchy skin, numbness in her mouth, dizziness, mild shortness of breath, nausea, diarrhea, or many other symptoms that the staff